Invitation for a visa

What is an invitation?

Some visa countries require travelers to present an official invitation. A letter of invitation, also known as a letter of invitation, voucher or visa support letter, serves as proof of the purpose of your stay. It is a basic requirement for obtaining a visa. A booking confirmation from the hotel is not sufficient in this case. Instead, you need a letter from the inviting individual, company or organization. The original of this document must be submitted with the visa application, confirmed by the authority in the country of destination (often the migration service) and printed on a special form. It is not easy to obtain this document, especially if you are traveling alone.

What kind of invitation letters can be and what do they include?

The requirements for invitation letters are high and vary in complexity depending on the purpose of travel and the country of destination. There are letters for tourist and business purposes or private letters for visiting friends or acquaintances. If you plan to work in the destination country, participate in student or cultural exchanges or sports competitions, special forms of invitation letters are often required. Generally, the most common invitation letters, such as tourist or business letters, include the following information:

  • Personal details such as the name and date of birth of the invitee
  • Traveler's passport number
  • Travel confirmation number (for tourist visas)
  • Exact period of travel
  • Purpose of travel (e.g., motorized tourism, hunting tourism, etc.)
  • Number of planned entries and exits
  • Itinerary and places of stay
  • Reason for invitation
  • Details of the applicant's place of residence
  • Individual tax number of the inviting organization, if applicable
  • Official signature and stamp of the authorized issuer

Get your invitation with us

Our visa service offers you an inexpensive and easy way to obtain tourist, business or private invitations - for single, double or multiple entries. We will take care of the correct letter and submit it together with your other documents to the relevant Consulate. It is also possible to apply for an entry permit (invitation) independently of ordering a visa. We can provide you with invitations for work, business, tourist or private visas.


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