Traveling with the expert visa

Expert visa - what is it?

An expert visa is an entry and residence permit that some countries that require a visa issue to particularly qualified and high-ranking specialists. Strictly speaking, the visa for experts is a special form of business visa or work visa. Expert certificates are issued to people who have expertise that is urgently needed in the host country. International help from foreign experts is particularly in demand in emerging countries and economic nations. China, for example, is always on the lookout for highly qualified workers from abroad. In many countries, there is a high demand for academics in the fields of medicine and engineering. The embassies of some countries also occasionally issue expert visas to specialists in other professions if they can prove that they are particularly suitable and are needed in the destination country. For example, restaurateurs in some countries have the opportunity to qualify for an expert visa. Experts often take up a full-time position with a foreign employer. Alternatively, they are available to advise companies, authorities or organizations for a limited period of time.

Are expert visas available for my destination country and do I meet the requirements?

Whether your destination country issues visas for experts, whether you are suitable as an applicant or whether you may require a higher-level visa such as a business or work visa for your stay must be clarified on a case-by-case basis, taking into account the relevant visa and entry regulations. In order to obtain a special visa for an expert assignment, for example as a doctor or fitter, it is usually necessary to prove the necessary specialist knowledge to the relevant authorities and to provide detailed information about the type of work being carried out in the destination country. Regardless of your profession, you can assume that in most cases some or all of the following documents will be required for the visa application:

  • valid passport
  • completed and signed application form
  • passport photos
  • invitation from the country of destination
  • proof of qualifications (references, certificates)

In the invitation, the exhibitor should explain why the person invited is particularly suitable for a work task. Authorities, universities, laboratory companies or medical institutions can be considered as hosts, depending on the purpose and destination of the trip. Due to its specific requirements, the expert visa is one of the less common types of visa.

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