Traveling with the transit visa

Transit visa - What is it?

Travelers require a transit visa if they pass through another country requiring a visa or make a stopover on the way to their final destination. This regulation applies to both land and air travel. In the case of a stopover by plane, most passengers do not require a separate permit to stay in the transit area of the airport for up to 24 hours. However, there are exceptions depending on the nationality of the traveler, the regulations of the transit country and the country of destination. You can find out in advance whether an airport transit visa is mandatory for you at the visa office of the respective embassy. Such a visa is merely an entry permit. It entitles you to stay for several hours, but not to leave the airport premises. The situation is different for so-called transit visas. Transit visas of this type offer you the opportunity to interrupt your journey for a few days, take breaks and get to know other countries on your way to your destination. Please note: Depending on your itinerary, in some countries it may be necessary for you to leave the airport and go through passport control. If this is the case, you are obliged to apply for a transit visa in advance. As a rule, you can obtain information on airport transit areas from your tour operator or airline.

Transit visas with Buch-Dein-Visum

Our visa service will be happy to advise you if you are not sure whether you need a transit visa or whether it may make more sense to apply for tourist visas for several countries. We can take care of various types of transit visas for you, including for the following countries:

  • Algeria
  • Azerbaijan
  • Belarus - Belarus
  • China
  • India
  • Iran
  • Kazachstan
  • Kyrgyzstan
  • Mongolia
  • Russia
  • Turkmenistan
  • Uzbekistan

What documents do I need for a transit visa?

The basic requirement for obtaining a visa for a stopover is usually a main visa for the final destination country. Whether this is a tourist visa, a private visa, a business visa or a different type of residence permit depends on your personal travel intentions. In addition to the main visa, the responsible consulates in Germany, as with most other visa applications, always require a completed form with personal details, your passport and usually a current passport photo. Proof of onward travel must be provided, e.g. flight or train tickets. You can find more information on the documents to be submitted on our website when you select the visa type for individual countries.

How long is a visa valid for transit purposes?

The period of validity of the visa depends on the entry regulations and visa guidelines of the transit country. In most cases, the stay is limited to a few days or up to two weeks. The length of time you stay in a transit country depends on your planned travel activities and the means of transportation. If you are crossing a country by car or bus, you may receive a different visa than if you are traveling by air. When planning your trip, please take into account whether you are only visiting a transit country once on your route or whether you will be visiting it several times. For example, if you are traveling on the Trans-Siberian Railway from Moscow via Mongolia to Beijing, you will enter the transit country on the outward and return journey. In this case, in addition to the visas for China and Russia, you will need a transit visa for multiple entries into Mongolia. You have the option of exploring the world's second largest landlocked country for up to seven or up to 14 days as part of a stopover. Some countries also offer the option of applying for a transit visa for a longer period. For example, there are visas for Thailand that are valid for 180 days. You are permitted to stay for a total of 30 days within this period as a transit visitor. This regulation for the transit visa is useful if your travel plans and dates are not yet exactly fixed.

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