Visa issuance to Egypt
Detailed guide on how to fill in the Egypt visa application form
Obtaining a visa for travel to Egypt is a key stage of preparation that requires careful attention. First of all, it is necessary to collect the documents and correctly fill in the application form.
Visa service offers up-to-date information and professional assistance at every stage of visa application, making the process of preparing for your trip comfortable and easy.
For successful and fast consideration of your visa portfolio, we have prepared application forms and a detailed guide. All instructions can be found below. We also offer a service “filling out the visa application”, which will significantly save your time.
Filling out an application for a consular visa
Please note, each item on the form that must be completed is highlighted in “blue” and signed at the bottom.
1. Personal data
In the first three lines, the following data must be entered:
- Surname, first name and middle name (if any).
- Date of birth, place of birth, your gender.
- Current nationality, nationality at birth, current employment and marital status.
2. Passport and contact details
This is followed by 2 lines where you need to provide:
- Your travel document (passport) number, place of issue, dates of issue and expiration date.
- Current and permanent residence address and contact phone number.
3. Your travel details
In the next two lines, please provide your travel details:
- Purpose of visit (tourism, business, family visit, work, etc.).
- Date of planned entry and length of stay.
- Desired number of entries (single or multiple entries).
- Port of entry (this data can be found on the travel ticket).
- Name and address of the hotel where you plan to stay. 4.
4. Information about relatives/friends in Egypt
If you are planning a trip to visit relatives or friends who live in Egypt, the following information is required:
- Name of your relative/friend (or several) living in Egypt.
- The address of the relative/friend in Egypt if you plan to stay for the duration of your trip.
Please note, this information is required if you plan to stay with a private person (your relative or friend) and not in a hotel.
5. Accompaniment
If your relatives or children are traveling with you, in the next two subsections, provide their details:
- The name of one or more relatives, relationship, date and place of birth of each person who is accompanying you.
- The name of each child who is traveling with you, including those listed in your passport, date and place of birth.
6. Information about previous trips to Egypt
In this line, you must provide details of your last stay if you have previously visited Egypt:
- Date of the last visit, purpose and address where you stayed.
7. Signature
At the end of the form, you must sign your personal signature, thus confirming the information you have provided.
Checking and printing the questionnaire:
- Before printing the questionnaire, check all the data for errors and correct if necessary.
- If you find an error already in the printed form, you must fill out a new form. It is forbidden to correct data, make additions or make notes in the already printed form. Such a form will not be accepted during the application process.
Filling out an e-Visa application form
Please note that an electronic visa (e-Visa) to Egypt can only be issued for tourism purposes.
1. Information about your trip
In this section, fill in the fields and select the items that correspond to the purpose of your trip:
- Enter your entry and exit dates and country of entry
- Select the type of visa, type of travel (single, family or group), number of entries (single or multiple entries).
2. Personal Information
- Enter your first and last name.
- Below that, your country of birth, marital status, and occupation (profession).
- Next, indicate your current citizenship and your original citizenship (at birth).
- If you have a current second citizenship, please put “yes” and below that provide the passport details of your second citizenship.
3. Previous travel information
Answer the questions below and give details where required:
- Have you been to Egypt before? If yes, provide the dates of the last visit.
- Have you ever been refused a visa? If “yes”, please indicate the country.
- Have you ever been expelled or deported from the country? If “yes,” please indicate the country, the reason, and below the date of deportation.
4. Contact information in Egypt (hotel/private)
Here you should include:
- The name of the hotel or the name of the private person you plan to stay with in Egypt.
- Address, email and contact phone number.
5. Date and signature
At the end of the questionnaire, you give an acknowledgement of the information you have provided. This is done by putting the date of the questionnaire and your signature.
Checking and submitting the questionnaire:
- Check all data for errors.
- Keep a copy of the questionnaire for yourself.
- Print, date and place the questionnaire and sign the questionnaire at the indicated points at the end of the questionnaire.
- Send the questionnaire to us electronically along with the rest of your documents.
The main documents to be sent along with the questionnaire are:
- A color, easy-to-read copy or a scanned page of your passport photo and personal information.
- A scan of your biometric passport photo (no more than 500 Kb in size).
Filling out the order form for visa processing service
1. Travel information
In this section you need to provide information about your planned trip to Egypt:
- Dates of planned entry and exit from Egypt.
- Points of entry (you can find this information on your travel ticket).
- Purpose of the trip (tourism, business, family visit, etc.).
2. Personal information
- Enter your first and last name.
- Include your father's first and last name.
- Next, your type of employment (occupation) and nationality by birth.
- Select your current marital status.
3. Information about the hotel in Egypt
- Here you should provide the name and address of the hotel where you plan to stay.
4. Information about previous trips to Egypt
- If you have traveled to Egypt before, put “yes” in the question and provide the dates of your trip and the purpose of your visit.
5. Date and signature
- At the end of the questionnaire, you will give confirmation of the information you have provided. This is done by putting the date of the questionnaire and your signature.
Checking and submitting the questionnaire:
- Check all data for errors.
- Keep a copy of the questionnaire for yourself.
- Print it out, put the date and place of completion and sign the questionnaire at the indicated points at the end of the questionnaire.
- Send the application form to us electronically. We will send you a complete checklist of required documents once your visa application is confirmed.
If you have any difficulties filling out the application form or have any questions, do not hesitate to contact us! We will help you through the process as easily as possible.
Contact us and start preparing for your unforgettable trip to Egypt without stress and worries!

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