Italien führt ab 11. Januar 2025 die Pflicht zur Abnahme biometrischer Fingerabdrücke für langfristige Schengen-Visa ein

Italy introduces mandatory biometric fingerprinting for long-term Schengen visas from January 11, 2025

From January 11, 2025, Italy will extend the collection of biometric data for long-term Schengen visas to applicants for short-term visas. The innovation is aimed at improving security and preventing criminal activities related to visa misuse.

Now all applicants for long-term visas, including those applying for study, employment, family reunification and investment, are required to appear in person at the nearest Italian embassy or consulate to submit their fingerprints. The fingerprinting process only takes a few minutes, but it adds an extra layer of complexity for applicants, which can affect their costs, plans and timelines for obtaining a visa.

Exceptions to the new rule only apply to a limited number of categories: children under the age of 12, individuals physically unable to provide fingerprints, and certain government employees traveling on official business. This means that the vast majority of applicants will be required to undergo fingerprinting.

Importantly, applicants who have already undergone the fingerprinting process for their initial application will not be required to repeat the process for subsequent visa requests during the 59 months during which their biometric data will be stored. This could greatly simplify the visa process for those planning multiple trips to Italy.

This innovation emphasizes Italy's desire to strengthen control over migration processes and ensure security on its territory.

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