Slowakei führt elektronische Dienstleistungen für ausländische Staatsangehörige ein: neue Regeln ab 15. Dezember 2024

Slovakia introduces e-services for foreign citizens: new rules from December 15, 2024

The Ministry of Interior of Slovakia has announced significant changes to the Law on the Residence of Foreigners, which will come into effect on December 15, 2024. 

According to the new rules, the innovations will allow applicants to use a digital platform to apply for an extension of temporary residence, apply for foreign passports, extend the EU Blue Card, as well as obtain permanent and long-term residence permits in electronic format. This will significantly simplify the immigration process and make it more accessible, allowing applicants to avoid the need for a personal visit to immigration offices for most procedures.

However, it is worth noting that foreign citizens who apply for a residence document in electronic form and are required to provide biometric data must still personally visit a police station within 30 days. In such cases, the document issuance period will start from the date of biometric data collection.

It is expected that the new system will not only expedite the document submission process but also save time and effort for foreign citizens, eliminating the need for multiple visits to immigration authorities. The implementation of the digital platform will be an important step towards modernizing the immigration system and improving customer service.

Stay tuned for news on the website to stay informed of all changes in visa policy and receive up-to-date travel planning advice.

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