Aktualisierungen der US-Visumpolitik: Befreiung von der Befragung für bestimmte Kategorien von Antragstellern

USA visa policy updates: exemption from interview for certain categories of applicants

Beginning March 2025, the U.S. Department of State is introducing updates to the categories of applicants who may receive an interview waiver when applying for a nonimmigrant visa. This innovation is intended to simplify the visa process and reduce wait times for many applicants.

Consular officers are now authorized to waive the personal interview for the following visa categories:

  • Diplomatic and official visas: A-1, A-2, C-3 (except for accompanying persons, servants or personal employees of accredited officials).
  • International organization visas: G-1, G-2, G-3, G-4, NATO-1 THROUGH NATO-6.
  • TECRO E-1 visa.

Applicants must meet certain criteria to receive an interview exemption. Specifically, they must have a previously issued visa of the same category that expired less than 12 months prior to filing a new application. This is a significant change from the previous requirement of 48 months.

In addition, applicants must:

  • Apply in their country of citizenship or residence.
  • Not have previously been denied a visa.
  • Have no grounds for disqualification.

After completing the online application form and paying the visa fee, the system will automatically determine whether applicants qualify for an interview exemption. If so, they will be able to skip the interview stage.

However, consular officials retain the right to require in-person interviews on a case-by-case basis or depending on local conditions.

Applicants are advised to check the information on visa application requirements and procedures carefully. This innovation promises to make the visa application process more accessible and convenient for many travelers.

Stay tuned to Buch-dein-Visum.de to stay up-to-date on visa policy changes and to receive up-to-date travel planning advice.

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