Südkorea führt ab dem 24. Februar 2025 ein e-Arrival Card System für Reisende ein

South Korea launches e-Arrival Card system for travelers from February 24, 2025

South Korea has announced the launch of a new e-Arrival Card system, which will serve as a digital replacement for traditional paper arrival forms. Starting from February 24, 2025, travelers will be able to fill out the electronic card, significantly simplifying and speeding up the immigration process, reducing waiting times, and minimizing border delays.

The e-Arrival Card will be mandatory for all foreign nationals, except for airline crew members, holders of valid K-ETA (Korean Electronic Travel Authorization), and registered residents of South Korea with resident or resident cards. For minors under 14 years old, the application must be filled out and submitted by a family member or guardian on behalf of the child.

The system will be implemented in stages: from February 24 to December 2025, travelers will have the option to choose between paper and electronic cards. However, starting from January 2026, only electronic applications will be accepted for entry into the country.

Travelers must submit an application on the official website at least 3 days before arriving in South Korea. The card will be valid for 72 hours after issuance. To fill it out, you will need a passport, flight or ship information, address of residence, and contact information, including an email address. After a successful submission, foreign nationals will receive an email confirmation and will be able to download the electronic card in PDF format to present upon entry into the country.

The e-Arrival Card system is designed to make the entry process into South Korea more efficient and comfortable for both tourists and immigration authorities.

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