Visa issuance to Ukraine
Detailed guide on how to fill in the application form for a visa to Ukraine
Obtaining a visa to Ukraine is an important and time-consuming stage of planning a trip. To start the preparation process, make sure that you have decided on the category of your Visa and collected all the necessary documents.
The next step is filling out the application form, which requires careful attention and following the instructions exactly. For this purpose we suggest you to study the detailed guide.
The main information that should be reflected in the application form:
- Personal data
- Your contact information
- Dates and purpose of the visit, travel details
- Signature and date
Step 1: Prepare the necessary documents
Before you start filling out the application form, make sure you have all the basic documents:
- A passport valid for at least 3 months from the planned date of entry.
- A completed application form.
- A passport-sized photograph that meets the requirements.
- Confirmation of airline and hotel reservations.
- Invitation if you plan to visit an individual or organization.
- Health insurance for the entire period of stay.
Step 2: Filling out the application form
When filling out the application form, it is important that the information you provide is as complete as possible. You can indicate “n/a” for items that do not apply to your situation or leave them blank.
Personal Information:
- Last name, first name, middle name.
- Date and place of birth.
- Gender.
- Nationality.
- Passport data (number, date of issue, expiration date).
Contact information:
- Residential address.
- Telephone number.
- E-mail address.
Purpose of visit:
- Tourism, private visit, business trip, work, study, etc.
Details of the trip:
- Dates of intended entry and exit from Ukraine.
- Name of the hotel or name of the private contact you plan to stay with in Ukraine, along with contact details and address of where you are staying.
Travel History:
- Provide information about previous trips to other countries, if required.
Signature and date:
- Sign the questionnaire and indicate the date of completion.
Step 3: Check and submit the form
- Check all data for errors.
- Keep a copy of the questionnaire for yourself.
- Send us the questionnaire electronically along with the rest of the documents (you will receive a complete checklist of required documents after ordering).
You can always order our service “assistance in filling in the visa application form” if you find this process complicated or you are not ready to waste your time. is a service of professional visa services and your reliable support at all stages: from application to receiving the finished visa. We will qualitatively do all the hard work for you so that you can enjoy your trip to Ukraine to the fullest!

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