Immobilien in Japan

Real estate in Japan

Japan is one of the most sought-after investment destinations for both international companies and private real estate investors. This is because Japan is one of the few developed countries in the Asia-Pacific region.
Foreigners perceive Japan as safe and the rules for real estate ownership as transparent and favorable, which is rare in other countries in the APAC region, especially in Southeast Asia.
It is important to remember that Japan offers an excellent living environment, and many people choose to settle here and purchase real estate for vacation or investment purposes.
Before deciding to buy a property in Japan, one should be aware of the real estate market outlook, high property taxes, the possibility of obtaining a real estate loan, and other important aspects.

The best places to live for foreigners moving to Japan

Skyscrapers in the city of Tokyo

Tokyo is the heart of modern Japan. This huge metropolis offers not only a dynamic business environment and modern technology, but also a rich cultural heritage. Here you can enjoy traditional Japanese restaurants and restaurants, but also visit high-tech shopping districts.

Kyoto is the capital of ancient Japan, where many historic temples, palaces and gardens have been preserved. The city has a unique atmosphere where modernity and tradition coexist. Life in Kyoto is more relaxed than in Tokyo, and the natural beauty of Japan is right on the city's doorstep.

Yokohama is located on the coast of the Pacific Ocean and offers a temperate climate and attractive living conditions. The city is known for its parks, museums and harbor area. The combination of modernity and a coastal atmosphere makes Yokohama an attractive place to live.

Osaka is the gastronomic capital of Japan, where you will find an incredible variety of cuisines. The city also offers affordable accommodation, a high level of services and a well-developed infrastructure. Osaka combines the spirit of business and tradition.

Sapporo on the island of Hokkaido is famous for its temperate climate and cultural events. The city attracts expatriates with its natural beauty, including ski resorts and parks. The favorable living conditions and low population density make it an attractive choice.

Each of these cities offers a unique living experience, so you can choose a place that suits your individual preferences and needs.

The main types of visas that may be associated with the acquisition of real estate include:

1. a tourist visa (短期滞在) or a temporary visitor visa: Allows you to stay in Japan for a short period of time, but does not give you the right to own property.
2. student visa (留学): Grants students the right to reside in Japan. Ownership of real estate may be restricted and conditions for acquisition should be clarified.
3. work visa (在留資格 - Work-related residence permit): If you are employed in Japan, you may have the right to own property. However, the rules may vary depending on the type of work visa.
4. Investment visa (投資家 - residence permit in connection with an investment): If you invest in the Japanese economy, this may entitle you to own real estate.
5. permanent visa (永住権): If you have permanent resident status in Japan, you are eligible to purchase and own real estate.
It should be noted that there are different requirements and restrictions for each type of visa, and it is recommended that you contact the Japanese immigration authorities or immigration consultants in Japan for specific information.

Real estate acquisition by foreigners in Japan

Foreign nationals can easily purchase residential and commercial property in Japan - there are no restrictions on ownership.

However, there are certain requirements:

- Documents confirming legal residence in the country (visa, residence permit);

  • A notarized personal stamp;
  • A certified bank account with a local bank;
  • Guarantee from a reliable Japanese company;

According to the law, foreigners require the approval of the authorities for the acquisition of agricultural or forestry land. This serves to protect the ecosystem and ensure the intended land use.

For reasons of national security, there may also be restrictions on the acquisition of land near military installations and strategic areas.

Other than that, the procedure for the acquisition of real estate by foreign nationals does not differ from the usual procedure.

Can foreigners buy land in Japan?

Yes, foreigners are allowed to buy land in Japan, but there are some restrictions:
1. Foreigners are allowed to buy land to build houses, offices, stores and other commercial purposes.
2. Special permission from the local government is required to purchase agricultural land. This is not always granted.
3. The purchase of land near military bases, regime facilities, important transportation routes and other strategic areas is restricted.
4. Foreign citizens cannot own land as private property in Japan. It is acquired either on a leasehold basis (usually for 50 years) or by registering shares in a special legal form.
This means that foreigners do not legally own the land, but they do legally own it for a long period of time. Detailed information on the acquisition of real estate in Japan by foreign nationals:

Detailed information on the acquisition of real estate in Japan by foreign nationals:

  1. Property law
  • Foreigners have the right to acquire property in Japan without restriction. The exception is agricultural land.
  1. Apartments, houses and commercial property can be purchased.
  • Residence permits
  • A residence permit is not required to buy a house. A passport is sufficient.
  • It is recommended to apply for at least a tourist visa to be able to enter Japan to view properties and transactions.
  1. Payment and taxes
  • Transactions are paid by bank transfer. It is recommended that payments are made in stages.
  • A land registration tax of up to 4% of the value is charged. There is also an annual property tax of 1 to 2% and a local tax.
  1. Formalization
  • The transactions are formalized and registered in the Land Registry of the Ministry of Justice.
  • A real estate agent and a lawyer can be hired to assist with the purchase. They will help with the translation of the documents and the due diligence.
  • The process takes 1 to 2 months from the signing of the preliminary letter of intent.

If a foreigner wishes to do so and has the necessary funds, they can become a full-fledged owner of real estate in Japan.

Conclusion on buying real estate in Japan:

Buying real estate in Japan is an attractive option for foreigners who prefer a stable living environment in a culturally rich country. The variety of cities, from modern Tokyo to historic Kyoto, offers a wide range of housing options depending on preferences and needs.
Favorable property conditions, transparent regulations and relatively low prices compared to some other countries make Japan an attractive market for investment. Expatriates can enjoy security, a variety of cultural events and excellent infrastructure.
However, before buying a property, it is important to thoroughly research the market, consider financial aspects such as taxes and loans, and pay attention to legal regulations. With the right planning and awareness, buying a property in Japan can be a long-term and successful investment.

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