Lebanon visa application

Issuing a visa to Lebanon is the most important stage in organizing a trip. To successfully obtain an entry permit, you need to carefully prepare a package of necessary documents, as well as provide the most detailed information in the visa application.

Our task is to make this process for you as simple and understandable as possible, as well as to provide professional and reliable support at every stage.

The visa service Buch-dein-Visum.de is at your service! Here you can not only read detailed information about the necessary documents, Lebanon's requirements and other important information, but also order professional visa and documentary support, which includes the execution of a full package of documents that you will need during your trip.

In order to start the process of obtaining a visa to Lebanon, you need to fill out an application form. Use the convenient form below, having previously studied the detailed instructions and explanations to the application form.

It is important that the application form is filled out in as much detail as possible and contains only accurate information. The main information that should be reflected in the application form:

  • Personal information
  • Your contact information
  • Dates and purpose of the visit, travel details
  • Signature and date

Guidelines for filling in the Lebanon visa application form

1. Personal information

In this section, you must provide the following information about yourself:

  • First name, last name
  • Surname before marriage (if any)
  • Place and date of birth
  • Current Citizenship
  • Original Citizenship (if any)
  • Occupation
  • Marital status
  • Your address, telephone number and e-mail

2. Passport Information

Please specify:

  • Type of travel document
  • Travel document number
  • By whom and when it was issued
  • Validity period (until which your travel document is valid)
  • Residence permit (type and validity period) - please indicate if available
  • Accompanying persons (name and date of birth) - indicate if you are traveling with an escort

3. Detailed information about the trip

In this section, you should provide as much detail as possible about your planned trip to Lebanon, including answering the questions:

  • Purpose of your visit (family visit, tourism, business, study, etc.)
  • Total duration of stay (indicate the number of days / months of your planned stay in Lebanon)
  • Number of entries (one, two, multiple entries)
  • Anticipated date of entry


  • Have you applied for a visa to Lebanon before? If yes, please provide the date when the last visa was issued.
  • Has your visa application ever been rejected? If yes, please provide the date your visa application was denied.

Entry and Residence Information:

  • Border crossing - please indicate your planned point of entry into Lebanon (seaport, airport, other).
  • Location in Lebanon - please provide the name of the hotel or the name of the person you plan to stay with in Lebanon, as well as the address and contact phone number.
  • References in Lebanon (including phone number and relationship) - please fill in if applicable.

4. Date and signature

“I confirm that I have provided the above information truthfully and accept full responsibility for any false statements made to the Lebanese authorities.”

Here you are giving confirmation of the information you have provided. It is necessary to date the form and sign it.

This is followed by a section to be filled in by the Lebanese consular representation, which you leave blank on your part.

Checking and submitting the questionnaire:

  • Check all the data for errors.
  • Keep a copy of the questionnaire for yourself.
  • Print it out, put the date and place of completion, and sign the questionnaire at the indicated points at the end of the questionnaire.
  • Send the questionnaire to us electronically along with the rest of your documents.

The main documents to be sent along with the questionnaire are:

  • A color, easy-to-read copy or a scanned page of your passport photo and personal information.
  • A scan of your biometric passport photo (no more than 500 Kb in size).

If you still have any questions regarding Lebanon visa application or filling out the application, you can always contact our support team and get competent advice absolutely free of charge.

You can always use the convenient service of filling in the application form. You will receive a complete checklist of required documents, depending on the type of visa requested, by e-mail after placing your order.

You can be sure that with our help you will be able to issue a visa to Lebanon without any problems!

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Order visa processing to Lebanon

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