Taiwan-Visum für digitale Nomaden

Taiwan's digital nomad visa

Taiwan is set to introduce a new visa programme aimed at digital nomads that will allow them to stay in the country for up to six months. The initiative is part of a wider strategy to attract foreign talent and boost the local economy.

One of the main goals of the visa for digital nomads is to retain some of these remote workers in Taiwan. By setting a goal of retaining 10 per cent of these workers, the government hopes to boost domestic tourism and revitalise the regional economy. Taiwan's digital nomad visa currently allows for a stay of up to three months, but there are plans to extend this to six months, subject to approval by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

The COVID-19 pandemic has dramatically accelerated the adoption of remote working around the world. Recognising this fact, the Taiwanese government is now turning its attention to digital nomads - people who use technology to work remotely from anywhere in the world. At a recent press conference, Minister Paul Liu emphasisedthe growing trend of remote working and how it gives Taiwan the opportunity to expand its talent pool.

Countries such as South Korea, Japan and Thailand have already set up their own programmes to attract digital nomads. Taiwan aims to follow suit and create an attractive environment for remote workers. Minister Liu noted the benefits of Japan's non-renewable visa model for digital nomads, suggesting that a similar approach could be useful for Taiwan.

In addition to the digital nomad visa, Taiwan is pursuing ambitious plans to attract 120,000 foreign professionals by 2028. Minister Liu announced forthcoming amendments to the Foreign Professionals Recruitment and Employment Act, which will be debated in the next session of the Legislative Yuan. The amendments are aimed at easing restrictions on highly skilled professionals seeking permanent residency.

The National Development Council has drafted the Foreign Professionals Recruitment and Employment Act to make Taiwan more attractive to foreign professionals. The new law is designed to simplify visa regulations and create incentives for long-term residency, thereby increasing the country's competitiveness in the global labour market.

The proposed changes will target Japan's Global Elite Visa programme, which grants permanent residency to professionals with an annual salary of at least NT$6 million (US$184,021) after just one year of residence. The government expects 60,000 of the 120,000 foreign professionals to be professionals, 50,000 to be international students and 10,000 to be digital nomads.

The upcoming introduction of a six-month digital nomad visa in Taiwan is an important step in the country's quest to attract talent from around the world and boost the economy. By capitalising on the trend of remote working and adopting the experience of other countries' successful models, Taiwan is positioning itself as an attractive destination for digital nomads and highly skilled professionals. As these initiatives are realised, Taiwan will become a key player in the global competition for talent, driving innovation and economic growth.

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