Das australische Innenministerium hat das Nationale Innovationsvisum eingeführt, um globale Talente anzuziehen

Australia's Department of Home Affairs has launched the National Innovation Visa to attract global talent

The Australian Department of Home Affairs has introduced a new visa program, the National Innovation Visa (NIV), to replace the existing Global Talent Visa (subclass 858) from December 6, 2024. The new visa aims to attract world-class talent from a variety of fields, including cutting-edge researchers, renowned and emerging entrepreneurs, professional athletes and the arts.

The National Innovation Visa offers a number of benefits, including:

  • A pathway to permanent residence: visa holders become eligible to permanently reside, study and work in Australia.
  • Elimination of requirements for those over 55 years of age: they now do not need to provide additional proof.
  • Flexible English language requirements: this simplifies the application process for many applicants.
  • No restrictions on occupation: the visa is open to professionals from different sectors if they meet the achievement criteria.

To apply for a National Innovation Visa, applicants must complete Form 47NI through the Australian Department of Home Affairs online portal. In some cases, it is possible to apply by email if authorized. Under the new changes, applicants must receive a written invitation from the Department within a specified timeframe to successfully apply for the visa. In addition, they must also prove their exceptional achievements, which will be stated in the invitation letter.

Applications submitted before December 6, 2024 will be assessed under the old Global Talent Visa criteria, while the new rules will only come into effect for applications submitted since the introduction of the program.

With the introduction of the new visa, Australia expects to attract outstanding talent who can make a significant contribution to the country's promising economic growth. The main purpose of the National Innovation visa is to support the development of key sectors such as artificial intelligence, modern technology and biotechnology, sustainable development, and innovation in medicine. These areas are key to securing Australia's sustainable future and creating a globally competitive economy.

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