Umzug nach Australien

Moving to Australia

Australia is a unique and vast country with an amazing climate that has become one of the most sought-after destinations for expats looking to experience exciting adventures abroad.

Best cities to live in Australia

Sydney: Australia's largest and most famous city, Sydney is known for its beautiful beaches, cultural events, diverse cuisine and vibrant economy.

Melbourne: known for its architecture, art, music and café culture, Melbourne is considered Australia's cultural capital.

Brisbane: located on the riverbank, Brisbane offers a warm climate, extensive parks and opportunities for an active lifestyle.

Perth: Perth is known for its beautiful beaches, sunny climate and economic growth, especially in the areas of mining and technology.

Adelaide: This city is known for its parks, wineries and cultural events. Adelaide also offers affordable real estate prices and great amenities for families.

Canberra: as Australia's capital city, Canberra offers a high standard of living, safety, and access to cultural and political events.

Hobart: located on the island of Tasmania, Hobart is known for its beautiful scenery, historic buildings and outdoor activities.

Immigration to Australia: visa options

Perth, Australia

Despite rather strict immigration rules, Australia continues to be one of the most popular countries to relocate to. The reason for this popularity lies in the fact that Australia offers several visa options for legal immigration:

  • Work visas. This is the most common way to relocate. If you have a contract with an employer in Australia, you can apply for a work visa. There are temporary and permanent options.
  • Family visas. If you have close relatives - spouses, children, parents - who are Australian citizens or permanent residents, you can move in with them on a family visa.
  • Investment visas. These are visas for business immigration. If you invest a certain amount of investment in the Australian economy, you can get a residence permit.

If you are planning to immigrate to Australia, learn more about visas and convenient visa processing on our website. We'll take the hassle out of visa processing for you!


Apply for a visa to Australia, right now!

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Immigrant life in Australia

Das Leben von Einwanderern in Australien kann sehr unterschiedlich sein und hängt von vielen Faktoren ab, darunter ihre Ziele, ihr Einwanderungsstatus, ihre Fähigkeiten, ihr Sprachniveau und ihr soziales Umfeld. Wenn Einwanderer in Australien ankommen, müssen sie sich für die Einwanderung registrieren lassen, eine Steuernummer (TFN) beantragen und eine Medicare-Krankenversicherung abschließen. Die meisten Einwanderer lassen sich in Großstädten wie Sydney, Melbourne und Brisbane nieder. Sie mieten Wohnungen oder Häuser. Die Immobilienpreise sind recht hoch.

Beschreibung einiger Aspekte des Lebens von Einwanderern in Australien:

Unterkunft: Die Wohnungssuche ist ebenfalls ein wichtiger Teil der Anpassung. Einwanderer können zwischen der Anmietung einer Wohnung, eines Hauses oder dem Kauf eines Eigenheims wählen. Die Wohnungspreise in den verschiedenen Regionen Australiens können sehr unterschiedlich sein, was bei der Wahl des Wohnorts berücksichtigt werden sollte.

Bildung: Für Einwanderer mit Kindern ist der Zugang zu Bildung ein wichtiger Aspekt des Lebens. Das australische Bildungssystem bietet ein breites Spektrum an öffentlichen und staatlichen Schulen sowie Hochschulen wie die Monash University, die University of Melbourne und die University of Sydney. Diese Universitäten gehören zu den 100 besten Universitäten der Welt und bieten eine qualitativ hochwertige Ausbildung.

Gesundheit: Das australische Gesundheitssystem ist universell und bietet allen Einwohnern, auch Einwanderern, Zugang zu einer hochwertigen Gesundheitsversorgung. Dies kann sowohl öffentliche als auch private Gesundheitsdienste umfassen.

Kulturelle Unterschiede: Einwanderer müssen sich möglicherweise mit kulturellen Unterschieden auseinandersetzen und sich an ein neues kulturelles Umfeld anpassen. Dazu kann es gehören, sich an neue Bräuche, Traditionen, soziale Normen und die Sprache zu gewöhnen.

Das Leben als Einwanderer in Australien hat, wie in jedem anderen Land auch, seine Vorteile und Herausforderungen. Mit der richtigen Vorbereitung, den richtigen Ressourcen und der richtigen Unterstützung gelingt es jedoch vielen Zuwanderern, sich erfolgreich einzuleben und ihren Platz in der australischen Gesellschaft zu finden.

Working in Australia

Sydney Street, Australia

Getting a job in Australia for a foreign citizen can be a challenging task, but quite realistic with the right approach.

First, you need to understand that the Australian labor market is quite competitive. Employers are looking for specialists with the right qualifications, skills and experience for each specific vacancy.

Secondly, a foreigner will need a valid work visa for employment in Australia. This can be obtained in a number of ways: applying for a vacancy with employer sponsorship, undergoing skilled migration or taking advantage of a working vacation program. You can also contact us for assistance in applying for an Australian visa.

Thirdly, the chances of finding a job depend on the candidate's individual situation - his/her professional skills, education, English language skills. It is also important how much the chosen field of activity is in demand in Australia.

IT, engineering, medicine, education, tourism, and mining are among the industries with high demand for foreign specialists. Growing sectors such as construction also provide good employment opportunities for immigrants.

Thus, with careful preparation, in-demand profession and qualifications, a foreigner can find a good job in Australia and build a successful career. The main thing is to realistically assess your chances and follow all migration requirements.

Pros and cons of living in Australia:


  • Good climate - most regions are warm and sunny all year round.
  • High standard of living and developed economy.
  • Prospects for employment in various spheres.
  • High quality education and healthcare system.
  • Developed infrastructure and transportation.
  • Security and low crime rate.
  • Beautiful nature and opportunities for active recreation.
  • Friendly society.


  • High cost of living, especially housing in major cities.
  • Long distances between cities and remoteness from other countries.
  • Expensive medical care for non-residents.
  • Difficulties with employment for unskilled migrants.

Want to visit Australia? Get your visa!

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