Liberia führt ein elektronisches Visa On Arrival System ein, das die Einreise für Touristen und Geschäftsreisende vereinfacht

Liberia launches electronic Visa On Arrival system, simplifying the entry process for tourists and business travelers

Liberia has announced the launch of a new electronic Visa On Arrival system that will greatly simplify the entry process for travelers through the Robert's International Airport (RIA). The initiative is aimed at easing the visa process for tourists, business travelers and transit passengers wishing to visit the country.

The Visa On Arrival system is exclusively for arrivals by air and allows for the visa to be obtained directly upon entry into Liberia, without the need for prior application at an embassy or consulate.

To obtain a visa upon arrival in the country, travelers need to follow a few simple steps. Before traveling to Liberia, one must first create an account on the official online portal and upload personal details including a photo. After that, one needs to pay the fee and wait for the confirmation email. Upon entering the country, travelers must submit a visa confirmation form, undergo biometric data collection and receive a visa sticker in their passport.

It is important to note that the visa is valid for one visit only and can be issued for up to 30 or 90 days, depending on the decision of the immigration officer. All travelers, with the exception of nationals of ECOWAS member countries, must have a visa to enter Liberia.

In addition, Liberian authorities plan to introduce LIS Re-Entry Permit and Special Cards for non- ECOWAS nationals residing in Liberia. The RE-ENTRY Permit card will allow foreign nationals to leave the country and return within the approved timeframe without having to reapply for a visa on arrival. Two types of cards are available: one for foreign nationals with a temporary residence permit and one for those without a residence permit.

These innovations will greatly simplify the process of entering Liberia for those who frequently visit the country for business, work or vacation. Don't miss the opportunity to explore this amazing country!

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Apply for a visa to Liberia online at a favorable price!

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