Arbeiten in Neuseeland: Wichtige Änderungen des Programms für Saisonarbeitsvisa 2025

Working in New Zealand: Important Changes to the 2025 Seasonal Work Visa Program

New Zealand is proposing significant changes to its seasonal work visa program for 2025, making it more affordable and beneficial for foreign workers. This new temporary visa is aimed at professionals in high-demand fields such as horticulture, viticulture and tourism.

Major changes in 2025:

  • Under the Recognized Seasonal Employer (RSE) program, the number of places for seasonal workers is increased from 5,000 to 20,750, reflecting growing demand in industries such as kiwi production and winemaking.
  • Employers are required to guarantee workers an average workload of 30 hours per week for four weeks. In the event of adverse weather conditions, employers must compensate wages, ensuring workers' financial stability.
  • Health requirements for seasonal workers are simplified, including the exclusion of HIV screenings.
  • Seasonal workers will be able to participate in professional development programs unrelated to their current duties.
  • Timor Leste is now also included in the list of countries participating in the RSE program, this opens up new opportunities for Pacific workers.
  • Workers will be free to leave and return to New Zealand several times during the visa period, this adds flexibility.
  • Employers can increase the cost of accommodation by 15% or NZ$15.00 per week to balance affordability for workers and their costs. This adjustment will apply to employment contracts signed on or after September 2, 2024.
  • Workers with three or more seasons of experience will earn at least N25.47 per hour. New workers will be paid the standard minimum wage.
  • Workers can change employers or regions with a 21-day grace period, this allows them to adapt to changing conditions and find better deals.

How do I apply for a seasonal work visa?

  • Search for seasonal jobs in New Zealand.
  • Gather the necessary documents to apply for a visa.
  • Apply online through the official New Zealand website.
  • Once your visa is approved, book your flight tickets and take care of accommodation and traveling around the country.

Seasonal work visa applications are open until March 31, 2025. This temporary initiative addresses current workforce needs and provides a unique opportunity for international workers to gain a rewarding experience in New Zealand. Don't miss your chance to be part of this exciting program!

Stay up-to-date on to keep up-to-date on all visa policy changes and to receive up-to-date travel planning advice.


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