Notarization of documents for Singapore

Trusted document notarization service for use in Singapore

Notarization is a mandatory procedure to give legal effect to many personal and business documents when used in Singapore. Without this requirement, your papers may not be accepted by Singaporean authorities, institutions and organizations.

At our company, you can order notarization of a wide range of documents. We certify identity cards, certificates, diplomas and certificates, commercial and financial documents, consents and authorizations, medical certificates, document translations and many other types of papers.
Our certified notaries have years of experience working specifically with documents for Singapore. We have thoroughly studied all the requirements and nuances, which guarantees the high quality of our services.

If you turn to us, you can be sure that your documents will comply with the norms of Singaporean legislation 100% and will be accepted without any problems.
Entrust the certification of documents for Singapore to professionals! We will help you to prepare competently for traveling or resolving other issues related to this country.

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