Legalization Uganda

The Legalization process for Uganda involves pre-certifications and translations in English before the documents are later reviewed by the Embassy of Uganda. Conversely, documents from Uganda are no longer reviewed by the German Embassy. Only substantive reviews by trusted persons of the embassy are permissible, and only for the purpose of mutual legal assistance. Uganda itself is also not one of the signatories to the Hague Apostille Convention.

Required Documents

  • The documents in original
  • The documents in copy
  • Translations of the documents in English language
  • 2 passport photos
  • Copy of the passport
  • If applicable, other documents

Our Service: Legalization Uganda

If you need a legalization for Uganda, feel free to contact us. We take care of all the stumbling blocks that you will encounter on the admittedly arduous path. With our many years of experience and competent partners from König Tours, such as sworn translators, your legalization for Uganda will be a breeze.

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