Tipps für Reisende in Kenia

Travel Tips for Kenya

Kenya is a fascinating country in East Africa, where ancient traditions and modernity, wilderness and city life intertwine.
Before traveling to Kenya, however, you should know that it is not a typical tourist destination. Despite its beauty, caution is advised in this African country.
With the right preparation and sensible precautions, a trip to Kenya will be truly unforgettable.

Safety in Kenya:

In general, Kenya is considered a relatively safe destination. However, caution is advised in large cities, on public transport and in places where tourists congregate.
In the national parks and popular resorts, the risk for tourists is minimal. Cases of mugging or theft are extremely rare here. Wild animals are the most dangerous, so it is important to follow the rules for visiting nature reserves.
There is an increased risk of petty theft and pickpocketing at airports, train stations and markets. You should be vigilant and not leave any valuables unattended.
It is not recommended to walk on unlit streets at night, especially alone.
It is better to choose established places with reliable security measures.
To minimize the risks, we advise you to follow the recommendations of tour guides, do not stand out, do not go to dangerous areas and do not provoke locals.
With the usual precautions, Kenya is quite safe for tourists.

When is the best time to travel to Kenya?

The country's climate is divided into two seasons: Dry season and rainy season. The dry season lasts from mid-May to the end of October. If you want to go on safari or enjoy the beaches of Mombasa, June-August is the best time to travel. This is also the time of the great wildebeest migration, a world-famous annual event.
The rainy season begins at the end of October and lasts until March. Even if it is not the best time to visit, this time of year has its advantages: The parks are greener, there are fewer tourists and prices are cheaper. The wettest months are January, February and November. During the rest of the year, it usually only rains in the evening, which does not cause any major inconvenience. During the rainy season, it is advisable to watch out for mosquito bites, as the mosquitoes are more active.

Tips for travelers planning a trip to Kenya:

  • Choose trustworthy tour operators and tour guides. This guarantees safety and quality of service.
  • Take care of your belongings, especially in crowded places. Do not take any unnecessary valuables with you.
  • When visiting national parks, do not get out of the vehicle without the guide's permission. Follow all safari rules.
  • Only drink bottled water. Wash fruit and vegetables thoroughly before eating.
  • Choose moderate, closed clothing. Be sure to bring a hat and sunglasses.
  • Consult a travel guide before visiting local villages and markets. Respect local traditions.
  • When traveling between cities, it is best to travel in daylight. Avoid long stays in unfamiliar places.
  • Make sure you get the vaccinations recommended by the WHO. Take malaria prophylactics.
  • If you feel unwell, consult a doctor immediately. Ask the embassy for medical contacts.
  • Behave in a friendly and respectful manner towards the locals. Avoid conflicts.

With the right preparation and a sensible approach, your trip to Kenya will bring you many wonderful impressions!

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