Die wehende Flagge von Guinea
An exotic country with picturesque landscapes, tropical forests, deserted beaches for brave explorers and true connoisseurs of pristine Africa.

Do you want to visit Guinea?

Guinea is a unique country in West Africa, attracting with its mystery and pristine beauty. This place attracts those who seek new vivid impressions and deep immersion in the distinctive African culture.

The unhurried rhythm of life, majestic mountains concealing centuries–old secrets and legends, picturesque waterfalls, deserted islands with snow-white beaches, traditional African tribes and gold miners - all this can be permanently imprinted in the memory of every traveler.

You will not find the usual comfort here, but this only adds special value and attractiveness to those who are ready to venture into difficult, but incredibly intense and memorable adventures in Guinea. This is a country for travelers who love the exotic, are ready to test the spirit, explore the world and their own capabilities. And also for those who appreciate the opportunity to see Africa in its pristine, untouched form. A trip to Guinea will be a real discovery for you and will give you a lot of unforgettable impressions.

Are you ready to explore Guinea? Explore information about the country and interesting places of Guinea on our website, as well as learn about the visa requirements of this country. We provide a full range of visa processing, document legalization and insurance services, as well as many other services to help you prepare for your trip. Contact us to get detailed information about visa requirements and services. We make your trip to Guinea comfortable and unforgettable!

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Interesting facts about Guinea

  • Guinea is a country with a rich history dating back more than 2,000 years. It was the center of the slave trade in the 18th century, and then became a French colony.
  • The capital of Guinea is called Conakry.
  • Guinea has a diverse nature, from dense rainforests to mountain peaks.
  • You can find African animals mainly on the territory of nature reserves. The Nimba Berge Nature Reserve is listed as a World Natural Heritage Site.
  • Guinea is rich in minerals, including bauxite, diamonds and gold.
  • Guinean culture is rich in traditions and customs. Here you can find many tribes with unique languages, dances and music.
  • Guinean cuisine is rich in a variety of dishes made from rice, meat, vegetables and spices. The national dish of Guinea is considered to be "fufu" - a thick puree of grated cassava, which is served with various sauces and meat dishes.
  • Guineans are known for their hospitality and friendliness.
  • Guinea is the birthplace of the legendary musician and singer Bomba Diulo.
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