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Discover the magic of Thailand, the land of smiles! From the breathtaking beaches of Phuket to the majestic temples of Bangkok, every corner of this vibrant country promises an unforgettable experience.

Thailand: visa application, consular services, travel tips

Thailand is a country in Southeast Asia, bordering India, Laos, Cambodia and Myanmar. Thailand is a popular tourist destination known for its beaches, cuisine and nature. Many tourists visit Thailand to relax in the hotels and resorts.

Get a visa for Thailand is the official service of the Thai Embassy. The site provides information on visa requirements and allows you to apply for a Thai visa online.

Before planning a trip to Thailand, it is important to familiarize yourself with the current entry conditions. Short-term visa-free entry for tourists is allowed for citizens of many countries, including Germany, Switzerland, Turkey, Russia and Austria.

The Thai Embassy in Berlin, as well as consulates in Germany, are responsible for visa processing and counseling. A section with answers to frequently asked questions regarding visas, entry regulations and various visa categories is available on the website.

Thailand is famous for its picturesque scenery, rich cultural heritage and significant historical sites. Outside the famous resort areas and bustling metropolises, visitors will find magnificent architectural masterpieces and authentic villages that preserve the traditions of centuries.

The portal offers all the information you need to plan your trip. The homepage is made intuitive with interactive icons for quick access to different sections. In the "Country Information" section you can learn in detail about the special features of Thailand.

Our main goal is to simplify the travel planning process by providing easy access to the right resources. We strive to make your trip comfortable and informative, both in the preparation stage and during your stay in Thailand.


An e-Visa for Thailand now online and at a reasonable price

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Smiling girl in Thailand

Land of smiles

Thailand is the land of smiles. This is firmly anchored in the philosophy of life of the people there. "Sanuk" means fun. Fun means many things here, such as food. Whether snacks or festive menus. Smiling is not only "sanuk", but also politeness. Even in a discussion, a (sheepish) smile can sometimes be exchanged. Thais use a smile instead of a negative statement to show that they have inner peace or a "cool heart". This is how you save face. Exaggerated laughter after an embarrassing situation or mishap achieves precisely this: The perpetrator saves face, and all parties make clear the fun factor of the unpleasant situation. For Westerners, this can sometimes lead to confusion. Especially if you've only been in the country for a few days.

View of James Bond Island in Phang Nga Bay

The Kingdom of Thailand

  • Official language: Thai
  • Capital: Bangkok
  • Area: 513,115 km²
  • Population: 69,522,234
  • Currency: Baht
  • Time zone: +7
  • 2/3 of the area consists of rivers and bodies of water. The longest river is the Mae Nam Chao
  • Climate: the 3 seasons are cool, hot and wet
  • Closing time: Discos, bars and lounges close at 1 a.m.

Interesting facts about Thailand

  • Thailand is the only country in Southeast Asia that was never a colony of the European powers.
  • The national flag of Thailand consists of five horizontal stripes: red, white, blue, white and red.
  • Bangkok has the longest city name in the world, consisting of 169 Thai characters.
  • In Thailand, it is forbidden to step on coins and banknotes as they bear the image of the king.
  • The Thai New Year, Songkran, is celebrated in mid-April with water festivals.
  • Thailand is the world's largest exporter of rice.
  • There are around 35,000 temples in the country.
  • Thai boxing (Muay Thai) is the national sport.
  • Thailand is one of the largest rubber producers in the world, and most rubber trees are grown in the southern provinces of the country.
  • A smile in Thailand can mean apology, gratitude or embarrassment.
  • There are 5 different tones in the Thai language that change the meaning of the word.
  • Thailand is one of the few countries where you can see pink dolphins.
  • Until 1939 the country was called Siam.
  • There is a monkey festival in Thailand where the primates are treated to fruit and vegetables.
  • For the Thais, the head is the most important part of the body, which is why it is considered impolite to touch another person's head.
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