International health insurance for Cuba

Private travel health insurance is a must when traveling to Cuba. Whether they are tourists, students, business travelers or simply language learners. Mandatory German insurance policies are not accepted for travel to Cuba. Cubans living abroad should also take this into account. It is therefore important to take out the appropriate international health insurance for Cuba. This is easy with us: with our insurance service, we can show you whether your international health insurance for Cuba is valid. If it is not, you have the option of taking out the appropriate travel health insurance with us.

Health and immunizations

The health care system in Cuba is very developed compared to other Caribbean countries. There are general practitioners here, as well as hospitals and clinics. However, they are not up to Western standards. As a rule, you don't need any special immunizations in Cuba. Standard immunizations are usually sufficient. However, as a backpacker, beware of wild animals that can carry the rabies pathogen, and get vaccinated against typhoid and hepatitis. Malaria and polio are uncommon in Cuba, and the last case of cholera was reported in 2013. Drinking water should still be boiled before drinking to be on the safe side.

Mosquitoes are also a problem in Cuba. It is recommended to wear long-sleeved clothing and use mosquito spray to keep the pesky insects at bay. In extremely rare cases, Aedes aegypti daytime mosquitoes can cause dengue fever. Unfortunately, there is no vaccination against it. Therefore, you will have to rely on conventional mosquito repellent when traveling to Cuba.

Tip: When traveling to Cuba, it is always a good idea to bring proof of your health insurance in Spanish. This will help avoid misunderstandings with doctors or authorities.

Valid health insurance policy

ACE Europa Group Limited
ACE Insurana S.A. - N.V.
ADAC-Schutzbrief Versicherungs AG
ADLEr Versicherung AG
Allianz Private Krankenversicherungs-AG
Allianz World Wide Care Ltd. - AWL ltd
ALTE OLDENBURGER Krankenversicherung V.V.a.G.
ARAG Allgemeine Rechtsschutz-Versicherungs AG
ARAG Krankenversicherung AG
ASSTEL Krankenversicherung AG
AWC Ltd. - "Allianz Worldwide Care Ltd."
AXA-Colonia ZN Berlin
AXA-Colonia ZN Hamburg
AXA-Colonia ZN Munchen
AXA-Krankenversicherung/Spasskiye Vorota
Barmenia Krankenversicherung AG, Gegr. 1904
Bayerische Beamtenkrankenkasse AG
BD24 Berlin Direktversicherung
Central Krankenversicherung AG
CIGNA Life Insurance Company of Europe S.A.-N.V.
CONCORDIA Krankenversicherungs AG
Continentale Krankenversicherung a.G
Debeka Krankenversicherungsverein a.G
DEVK Krankenversicherungs AG
Deutscher Ring Krankenversicherungsverein a.G
DFV Deutsche Familienversicherung
DKV Deutsche Krankenversicherung AG
ELVIA Reiseversicherungs-Gesellschaft AG
ENVIVAS Krankenversicherung AG
Europ Assistance Versicherungs AG
Europaeische Reiseversicherung AG
Europa Versicherung AG
ERGO Direkt Krankenversicherung AG

Global Voyager Assistance (Cyprus) - GVA
Generali Versicherung
Globality S.A.
Globale Krankenversicherung AG
Gother Krankenversicherung AG
Gouda Versicherung - AG (ISA)
Hallesche Krankenversicherung a. G
Hallesche-Nationale Krankenversicherung AG
Hanse-Merkur Krankenversicherung AG
Hanse-Merkur Reiseversicherung AG
HUK-Coburg- Krankenversicherung AG
INTER Krankenversicherung AG
International SOS,
LVM Krankenversicherungs - AG
Mannheimer Krankenversicherung AG
Munich Reinsurance Company
Neckermann Versicherung AG
Nurnberger Krankenversicherung AG
Postbeamtenkrankenkasse (PBEAKK)
PAX - Familienfürsorgeversicherung AG
PVAG Polizeiversicherungs AG
ROLAND Schutzbrief - Versicherung AG
R+V Krankenversicherung AG
Schwarzmeer und Ostsee Versicherungs-Aktiengesellschaft SOVAG
SIGNAL Krankenversicherung AG
SIGNAL IDUNA Krankenversicherung AG
Suddeutsche Krankenversicherung a.G
Union Krankenversicherung AG
Universa Krankenversicherung AG
VAV (Versicherungs Agentur Voerde)
Victoria Krankenversicherung
Wurttembergische Krankenversicherung AG
Würzburger Versicherung (JETZT ONLINE ABSCHLIEßEN)]

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