Diplomatic missions of Cuba to Germany

The Embassy of the Republic of Cuba in Berlin can assist with questions related to current changes in entry regulations. Similar services are provided by the consulate in Bonn, where up-to-date information and advice on entry requirements can be obtained.

Embassy of the Republic of Cuba in Berlin

Contact information and location: Stavangerstrasse 20, 10439, Berlin, Germany

Tel: +49 30 44 71 73 19
Fax: +49 30 91 64 55 3

E-mail: embacuba-berlin@embassy-kuba.de

Opening hours: Monday - Friday: 10:00 - 17:00, break 13:00-14:00

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Consulate of the Republic of Cuba in Berlin

Contact information and location: Gotlandstrasse 15, 10439, Berlin, Germany

Phone: +49 30 44 73 70 23
E-mail: consulberlin@t-online.de

Opening hours: Monday - Friday: 08:30 - 11:30

Consulate of the Republic of Cuba in Bonn

Contact information and location: Kennedy Alley 22-24, 53175, Bonn, Germany

Phone: +49 228 30 90

Opening hours: Monday - Friday: 09:00 - 12:00

Main functions of the Embassy of Cuba in Germany

The main functions of the Cuban Embassy in Germany include:

  • Consular Services: Issuing visas, passports and other documents for Cuban nationals residing in Germany and for German nationals planning to travel to Cuba.
  • Support for Cuban nationals: Counseling and assistance to Cuban nationals in Germany on legal and social protection issues.
  • Diplomatic relations: Development and strengthening of bilateral relations between Cuba and Germany in the fields of politics, economics and culture.
  • Economic cooperation: Promotion of investment and trade relations between Cuba and Germany, as well as the promotion of Cuban goods and services.
  • Cultural programs: Organization of cultural events and exchanges to promote Cuban culture in Germany.
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