Laos visa costs

Laos visa price: useful information for travelers

Traveling to Laos starts with the question of visa, its necessity and cost. Most foreign nationals require a visa, although there are exceptions for some countries that have visa-free travel with Laos. In addition, an electronic visa (e-visa) is available for some countries, which can be applied for online and is a convenient and fast way to obtain a visa.

Thecost of a Laosvisa can vary and depends on factors such as the type of visa (tourist, business, visitor), the length of your stay and your nationality. We also provide a special online calculator to help you calculate the estimated costs more accurately and avoid unwanted surprises.

Visum Kosten Laos

Traveling to Laos promises an unforgettable experience, from the tropical nature and historical sites to the friendly smiles of the locals.


Apply for an e-visa to Laos - quick and easy!

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