Kuba verlängert Gültigkeit der Touristenkarten bis 2025

Cuba extends validity of tourist cards until 2025

As part of its tourism development strategy, Cuba has announced an important change in entry regulations for foreign visitors. This decision aims to simplify the process of visiting the island and provide more flexibility to travelers.

Extension of the validity of tourist cards

The main innovation concerns the “Tarjeta del Turista” tourist cards issued before the introduction of the electronic visa system. Now their validity has been extended by six months, until June 30, 2025. The previously established deadline of December 31, 2024 has been canceled.

This decision ensures a smoother transition to the new e-visa system and gives additional time for tourists and travel agencies to adapt to the new rules. Holders of previously issued tourist cards can now use them to enter Cuba for a longer period.

The Cuban Ministry of Tourism commented on the change, “We are committed to making visiting our country as convenient as possible for all visitors. The extension of the validity of tourist cards is a step towards travelers allowing them more flexibility in planning their trips to Cuba.”

Additional measures to facilitate entry

In addition to extending the validity of travel cards, Cuban authorities have also made changes to the rules for the D'Viajeros digital registration platform. Travelers can now fill out the required information on this platform within seven days prior to arrival in Cuba, providing added convenience when planning a trip.

These changes demonstrate Cuba's commitment to boosting tourism by simplifying administrative procedures and providing greater flexibility to travelers.

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