Visa application to South Korea
Preparing for a trip to South Korea requires not only organizational skills, but also knowledge of important formalities. Our service provides reliable support at all stages and offers everything you need to successfully obtain a visa - from a user-friendly, easy-to-understand application form and a helpful guide to up-to-date information and a range of professional services.
The services of go far beyond the visa application process. Consular processes, certification of important documents, their legalization or professional translations - we are on your side in all these matters. Every step, every requirement and every detail is handled with care and competence to ensure that you are guaranteed a positive result.
With our help, you can rest assured that your preparations for traveling or obtaining a visa or residence permit in South Korea are in good hands.
To begin the South Korea visa application process, please check that you have prepared the required documents for your visa category. Information on supporting documents can be found in the Visa section as well as in the sub-sections corresponding to the visa types. You can also request a list of documents by contacting us in any convenient way, including placing an order.
The visa application form should be filled out in as much detail as possible and should contain only accurate information based on the documents provided. Be sure that you can provide the following information:
- Personal data
- Your contact information
- Dates and purpose of your visit, travel details
- Financial information
- Signature and date
Application forms
Detailed instructions on how to complete a visa application for South Korea
1. Date of travel
Indicate your expected date of entry into South Korea.
2. Personal Information
Here you should indicate the country and place of your birth. Father's and mother's first and last name, and note your current marital status.
3. Information about your accommodation in South Korea (hotel or private person)
Please provide the Name of the contact person you plan to stay with or the name of the hotel in South Korea, as well as the phone number and detailed address.
4 Information about the emergency contact person in Germany
Here you need to provide the contact details of the person (name, address, phone number and email) in Germany who can be contacted in case of an emergency.
5. Additional passport information
In this section you need to provide information about your current and additional nationality. Please answer the questions and give a valid explanation in the items where you answered “yes”:
- Current other citizenship (other than primary citizenship), if “yes”, which/what kind?
- Other additional citizenship, if “yes,” what/what kind(s)?
- Have you held any other passport, if “yes”, which one(s)?
6. Employer/University details
Here you should provide the name of the company/university if you are currently employed or studying, respectively. Further, specify your profession/faculty and the phone number, email and address of the company or institution should also be mentioned.
In case you are neither working nor studying, have completed your studies and are in search of a job or another option, this part of the application form does not need to be filled in.
Checking and submitting the questionnaire:
- Check all data for errors.
- Keep a copy of the questionnaire for yourself.
- Print out, date and place the form, and sign the form at the indicated points at the end of the form.
- Send the questionnaire to us electronically along with the rest of your documents.
The main documents you need to send for South Korea e-visa are:
- A color, easy-to-read copy or scanned page of your passport photo and personal information.
- A scan of your biometric passport photo (no more than 500 KB in size).
If you have any difficulties or questions about filling out the form, do not hesitate to contact us!
Take advantage of our visa service. Rely on our experience and knowledge and focus on what is really important: your upcoming impressions from your stay in this amazing country!

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