Cost of visa to South Korea

Planning a trip to South Korea and want to know the cost of visa processing?

Use our convenient visa calculator to quickly calculate the total cost. You will need to select your visa type, processing time and optional extras such as priority service or health insurance.

Please note that the final cost may vary and depends on consular and service fees, processing time, your nationality, visa type and number of applicants, as well as the additional services you have chosen.

If you still have questions or want to know the cost of other services, such as translation and legalization of documents, you can easily contact us in any convenient way. Our specialists will provide any assistance and consult you absolutely free of charge! is a reliable visa service and your professional assistant. With us you can order a full range of services that will greatly simplify the preparation for your trip and make your trip to South Korea as pleasant and unforgettable as possible!

Important: obtaining a visa to South Korea is not a guarantee of unimpeded entry. The final decision to enter the country is made by the migration officer at the border checkpoint.

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