Apply for a Business Visa Thailand now

Visas for business trips to Thailand

The Business Visa Thailand is issued by the Thai immigration authorities under the name Non-Immigrant-B Visa. There are two sub-categories of business visas for professional stays.

Type M

  • multiple entries, up to 90 days stay per entry

This visa category is suitable for business people who travel to Thailand several times a year on behalf of a sending company - e.g. from Germany. Employment with a Thai employer, i.e. gainful employment locally, is not permitted.

Type S

  • single entry, up to 90 days stay

The non-immigrant visa B/S is the right visa for travelers who are employed by a Thai company on a long-term basis. It is necessary to extend the visa on site. Only people who are already in Thailand and have proof of employment from a Thai employer can obtain a work visa Thailand with longer validity. It is generally not possible to apply for a residence permit for several months for work purposes from Germany or other countries.


Business visa for Thailand

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Business visa Thailand for interns

Anyone who has an internship in Thailand and is not enrolled as a student at a university in Germany or elsewhere requires a non-immigrant B/S visa. This is valid for a stay of 90 days from the date of entry, but can be extended if necessary and with appropriate documentation from the local employer. When applying for a business visa for Thailand as an intern, different application documents must be submitted than for a business visa for work purposes. Please see below for information on the application documents for the Thailand visa.

Application documents for Business Visa Type M

Visa application
Passport size photo
Commercial register­excerpt
Flight confirmation
Cost assumption

Documents for the visa application type S (internship)

Visa application
Passport size photo
Internship contract
Trade register
Flight booking

FAQ about the business visa for Thailand

Do you still have questions about your entry to Thailand? In our FAQ you will find the most important questions and answers about the business visa for Thailand. If anything is still unclear, please do not hesitate to contact us.

When do I need to apply for a business visa for Thailand?

You must apply for a business visa if you are employed by a Thai company on a long-term basis or if you are going on a business trip to Thailand.

Do I always have to submit an invitation for the business visa?

Yes, when you apply for a business visa for Thailand, we always need the invitation letter from the Thai embassy. This must state the period of stay and activity.

Is it necessary to send the original passport?

Yes, please provide us with your original passport. We need this for the visa application. In addition, we need a copy of your passport for the visa application. The Thai embassy will not accept any visa application without the original passport.

I am doing an internship in Thailand - when do I need a business visa?
  • If you are a student and are completing an internship as part of your studies:

You must apply for a non-immigrant visa in the ED (Education) category.

  • If you are not studying at a university and are completing an internship as part of your work experience:

You must apply for a non-immigrant visa in category B (Business).

Can I enter the country without a visa?

No. As soon as your purpose of travel is non-touristic, and this is not the case for a business trip or internship, you must apply for an appropriate visa for Thailand.

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