Visa invitation to China - what do I need?

In order to obtain a tourist visa to China, a so-called confirmation is required. It must be submitted with the visa application. There are 2 types of confirmation. If you have submitted one of them, you do not need the second one.


You can attach either the invitation letter + airline reservation or the airline and hotel booking confirmation to your application. We have listed these two options below.

1st option

Airline reservations

2nd option

Airline reservations
Hotel Reservations

At the moment: 3rd option

You can now also submit an itinerary to the authorities. The itinerary sheet replaces the previously required invitation. If you are traveling with a tour operator and you have an invitation, you can of course continue to use it for your visa application.

Tips for designing an invitation

So that you can attach a complete invitation to your visa application, make sure it contains the following information:

Personal details of the visa applicant:

    • Gender
    • Full name
    • Date of birth
    • Passport number

Itinerary Information:

    • Date of arrival and departure
    • Places of stay
    • Hotels and accommodation

Information about the host / inviting person or institution:

    • Full name
    • Address
    • Phone number
    • Seal and signature of the inviting person/institution
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