Visa application for Indonesia

Detailed instructions on how to fill in the Indonesian visa application form

Planning a trip to Indonesia and need to apply for a visa? Here you can find the necessary application forms as well as detailed instructions on how to fill them out.

In order for your visa application to Indonesia to be processed as quickly and successfully as possible, it is important to prepare a complete portfolio in advance. But don't worry about that, we will be sure to send you a detailed list of required documents, depending on the type of visa and the purpose of your trip.

Filling in the application form also requires careful attention and following the instructions exactly. Please read the application form and the detailed description of the filling process below.

Instructions for filling in the Visa Application Form

Please note that all items in the form are mandatory, except those that are not relevant to your case. The boxes must be filled in in capital letters.

Some questions ask you to check the appropriate box. Choose only ONE correct option!


This block of questions is about the purpose and timing of your trip

Here you should indicate:

  • your full name,
  • the length of your planned stay in Indonesia (how many days/months or years you plan to stay in the country)
  • the type of visa requested: transit visa, single or multiple entry visa, and restricted stay


If you are planning a short-term visit to Indonesia for the purpose of tourism, business / business trip, visiting relatives, this block should be filled in with the following details:

  • Purpose of the visit.
  • Place of arrival / place you plan to visit (you can specify more than one if you are planning a tourist itinerary) / place where you plan to stay.
  • Your flight details and number, according to your airline ticket.


If you are planning a specific type of activity other than tourism, with exact (limited) time of stay in Indonesia, including applying for temporary or permanent residence permit (KITAS or KITAP), you need to provide the following data:

  • Purpose of temporary stay: work, social, joining family or other.
  • Address where you plan to stay in Indonesia.
  • Port of arrival in Indonesia and date of entry (this data should also be taken from your travel ticket).


You do not need to fill in this field.


All personal data must be filled in strictly in accordance with your passport / travel document and contain accurate and up-to-date information.

Here you should fill in all fields and specify:

  • Your full name, middle name (if any), surname, gender (male / female).
  • Marital status.
  • Place and date of birth.
  • Nationality.
  • Residential address, including postal code.
  • Cell phone number where you can be reached.
  • Your employment type: professional (if you work for a company), government (for officials), sales (if you work in sales), retired, homemaker, student or select other with an explanation of what you are currently doing, e.g. temporarily off work, on maternity leave, study leave, etc., (whichever is applicable).
  • If you work for a company or are enrolled in an educational institution, you should include the name, full address (including zip code) and phone number of your company/institution.


All personal data must be filled in strictly in accordance with your passport / travel document and contain accurate and up-to-date information:

  • The number of the passport / travel document you are traveling with.
  • Place of issue.
  • Dates of issue and expiration.
  • Type of passport.
  • If you are traveling with a spouse or children who are listed in your passport, please fill in the following fields (according to the current information in your passport / travel document): full name, dates of birth, gender and type of relationship.


If you are traveling to Indonesia on a private invitation from a company, organization or educational institution that will cover all or part of your travel expenses, please provide all relevant details in this section.

Important: Only provide relevant information that you can document / that is reflected in the relevant sponsorship document that you have in your possession.

  • Type of sponsorship (individual/private, government, international institute, company, NGO).
  • Company name, full address including postal code and telephone number.


It is obligatory to tick “yes” / “no” in each of the items. Answers should be honest answers based on real data.

Have you ever been to Indonesia before?

Check “yes” if you have visited Indonesia before, and “no” if this is your first visit to Indonesia.

Do you have a travel document to any other country?

This information is also relevant for transit visas.

You should put “yes” if you have one of the listed travel documents to a third country:

  • Passport
  • Visa
  • Other travel authorization

Do you have a previous visa to enter Indonesia?

You should put “yes” if you had a previously issued visa to Indonesia, including if you did not use it.

Has your application been previously rejected?

You should put “yes” if you have previously applied for a visa to Indonesia and had your application rejected.

Have you ever been forced to leave Indonesia?

You should put “yes” if you have previously entered Indonesia and were forced to leave due to visa violation or on other grounds, including forcibly in violation of Indonesian law.

Have you ever committed any offense?

“Yes” - if there have been instances of serious offenses in your country of citizenship or when traveling to other countries, such as violations of migration requirements, traffic rules or criminal offenses.

Next, you need to provide:

Return flight number / Place of issue (according to the actual data on your return ticket).

Be sure to check that the visa application form is filled out correctly. After that, download the online visa application form and print it out. Put the date of filling in the bottom column and put your personal signature confirming the provided data.

Important: the signature must match the signature in your passport. For minor applicants, the form must be signed by a parent or legal guardian (if a legal guardian's signature is required, a copy of the guardianship application must be attached). Third parties are not authorized to sign the application.

Send us your Indonesia visa application along with a complete package of documents (you will receive a checklist of required documents after ordering). Then we will take care of the rest!

If you have any difficulties or need help filling out the application form, we are always happy to help you! You can also order the service of filling out your visa application using the simple Services for Indonesia application form.

Order your visa to Indonesia today and start preparing for an unforgettable trip today!


Order a visa to Indonesia online!

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