Cost of visa to Kyrgyzstan

A visa may be required to enter Kyrgyzstan. You can read about the requirements for obtaining a visa and the length of stay in the country on the page about visas.

The cost of a visa to Kyrgyzstan varies depending on many factors, such as the type of visa, the nationality of the applicant and the length of time it takes to process. The main part of the cost consists of the consular fee, which is paid at the time of application. There may also be a service fee for processing the application.

In addition to the basic costs, applicants can take advantage of additional services, such as: filling out an online visa application, international health insurance, and priority service for faster processing of the application.

To find out the full cost of a visa to Kyrgyzstan including additional services, you can use the visa calculator, which allows you to get accurate information directly on our website.

Remember that the final decision to enter the country is made by a border guard officer. A ready-made visa does not guarantee entry.


Planning a trip to Kyrgyzstan? Order your visa right now!

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