UK: Visumfreie Reisende aus 48 Ländern können bereits ETAs beantragen

UK: visa-free travelers from 48 countries can already apply for ETAs

From November 27, 2024, the UK has launched a phased introduction of the Electronic Travel Authorization (ETA) for visa-free travelers. Travelers from 48 non-European countries can already apply for this permit as part of new security measures being implemented at the border.

However, Colombia, which was previously included in the ETA system, has now been removed from the list of countries participating in the regime. From December 24, 2024, the UK will reinstate the visa regime for Colombian nationals, meaning that they will have to apply for a visa to travel to the UK.

As a reminder, ETA electronic authorization is required for foreign nationals planning to travel to the country for tourism, short-term visits to relatives or friends, business travel or transit through British airports.

From January 8, 2025, obtaining an Electronic Travel Authorization (ETA) will become mandatory for citizens of 48 countries planning to visit the UK. From April 2, 2025, obtaining an ETA will be mandatory for all travelers entering the country without a visa.

The UK Minister for Migration and Citizenship said that the introduction of ETAs demonstrates the government's intention to improve border security and make the entry process for foreign nationals simpler and more convenient.

Follow the news on to keep up to date with all visa policy changes and get up-to-date travel planning tips.


Apply for an ETA to the UK now!

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