Einführung einer Touristenabgabe in Thailand: Versicherung und wichtige Punkte

Introduction of tourist tax in Thailand: insurance and key points

Thailand's Ministry of Tourism has officially confirmed that in 2025, a 300 baht (approximately 8.9 USD) tourist tax will be mandatory for foreign tourists. Moreover, under the new program, the tourist fee will include insurance for visitors to the country. The policy will cost 60 baht (approximately 1.9 USD) with a validity period of no more than 30 days.

The plan to introduce a tourist levy was originally discussed back in 2019, but was postponed due to the COVID-19 pandemic. The issue was repeatedly raised again, and only recently the Thai authorities finally decided to approve the levy.

At the first stage, the tourist levy will apply only to those who arrive in Thailand by air. In the future, its effect will be extended to travelers crossing the border by land and water modes of transport.

The relevant bill is planned to be submitted to the Cabinet of Ministers in January and approved by mid-2025. According to the ministry, the new system will be similar to the South Korean program K-ETA - electronic entry permit. Thus, the tourist fee will have to be paid in advance through an online service, which is also under development.

Insurance coverage will include a death benefit of 1.5 million baht (about 45,000 USD) and up to 500,000 baht (about 15,000 USD) for injuries. This amount goes on top of the insurance, which foreign tourists buy themselves. Thus, this insurance package does not provide for all insured events, and does not cancel the validity of the already purchased international insurance policy.

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