Thailand hebt Testpflicht vollständig auf

Thailand completely abolishes mandatory testing


Business Planet takes a look at Europe's travel and tourism sector, one of the hardest hit by the coronavirus restrictions, to find out what the EU is doing to help and ask how the sector moves forward.

For 20 years, Anne Prost has been offering tailored tours of Lyon’s old town and gastronomic hotspots. The day we meet she's welcoming a group of masters students to the French city. Her company, which is focused on the corporate market, was booming before the pandemic struck. Now, Anne says it’s all about survival, admitting she’s had to make some difficult decisions.

"Unfortunately, I had to lay off the trainees that I had. After that, it was important to reassure the clients who'd already paid me, to tell them that I was going to reimburse them, or I was going to put the money to one side for a future service. And then I had to call my clients to tell them I'm still here, and that as soon as we're out of this period right now, I'll be able to offer you a new and even more incredible service."

Like most companies working in the holiday and hospitality industry, Anne has had to adapt her business model to the 'new normal' since lockdown restrictions were eased.


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