Saudi-Arabien eröffnet neues Visum im Rahmen der Expo-2030

Saudi Arabia opens new visa as part of Expo-2030

To facilitate access to the much-anticipated World Expo in 2030, Saudi Arabia plans to introduce a special visa to ease access to the exhibition sites.

World Expos bring countries together to showcase the latest achievements and future ambitions in their pavilions. 197 countries are scheduled to participate in the Riyadh Expo. For Saudi Arabia, which is the host country, it is a great opportunity to showcase its modernization capabilities and potential for development. Riyadh Expo 2030 is expected to attract 40 million visitors over six months, including both local and international visitors.

The event coincides with an important milestone in the realization of Saudi Arabia's Vision 2030. At this stage, the kingdom, known for its oil industry, is seeking economic diversification and a leading position in global tourism, sports and other modern popular industries.

The country aims to attract 150 million tourists - both foreign and local visitors to achieve this goal by 2030. Tourism leaders expect about 70 million international visits in the same year.


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