Thailand führt ab 1. Mai 2025 eine digitale Version des Einwanderungsformulars TM6 ein

Thailand introduces a digital version of the TM6 immigration form from May 1, 2025

Thailand's Ministry of Tourism and Sports has announced the launch of a digital version of the TM6 Immigration Arrival Card, which will replace traditional paper forms for foreign nationals entering the country. The new online form will become mandatory for all travelers entering Thailand by air, land and sea starting May 1, 2025.

The Cabinet previously suspended the acceptance of paper TM6 forms from April 15, 2024. With the period ending on April 30, all arrivals in the country will be required to use the new digital system from May. The government plans to focus on implementing the digital TM6 before introducing additional border controls to reduce confusion among tourists. The introduction of a 300 baht tourist fee may be delayed in this regard.

The digital card will be an important tool to control foreign nationals within the country and improve security. This new system is designed to simplify the migration paperwork process, thus avoiding bureaucratic difficulties for foreign tourists. With the introduction of digital technology, the registration and record-keeping process will become more efficient and convenient, which in turn will improve the overall experience of guests' stay in the country.

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