Diplomatic missions of Bangladesh in Germany

Bangladesh Embassy in Berlin and other missions

The Bangladesh Embassy, located in the German capital, Berlin, is one of the country's seven diplomatic and consular missions in Germany. Apart from the main embassy in Berlin, Bangladesh maintains links with Germany through consulates in various cities including Bremen, Frankfurt am Main, Grefrat, Hamburg, Munich and Potsdam. These missions provide a wide range of consular services, maintain bilateral relations and strengthen cooperation between Bangladesh and Germany.

German Missions in Bangladesh, Germany has its diplomatic missions in Bangladesh. Including an embassy located in the capital Dhaka and a consulate in the port city of Chittagong. These missions promote international dialog and support German nationals in Bangladesh.

Basic consular services of the Embassy of Bangladesh in Berlin

The Bangladesh Embassy in Berlin plays a key role in providing consular services to Bangladeshi nationals residing or staying in Germany. It provides a wide range of services, including:

  • Visa Services: The embassy assists in processing visas for entry into Bangladesh, which includes counseling and assistance in submitting the necessary documents.
  • Passport issuance: The embassy provides services for issuing new passports and renewing old ones, as well as replacing lost or damaged documents.
  • Notarial services and legalization of documents: The Embassy certifies signatures and documents and legalizes various official papers required for legal affairs in Bangladesh or Germany.
  • Civil Registration: Includes registration of births, marriages and deaths of Bangladeshi citizens living abroad.
  • Issuance of emergency documents: The Embassy is ready to assist in non-emergency situations by issuing temporary documents for return to Bangladesh.

Contact details of the Embassy of Bangladesh in Berlin

Address: 111, 111 Empress Augusta Avenue, 10553, Berlin, Germany.

Tel: (+49) 30 39 89 75 0

Fax: (+49) 30 39 89 75 10

E-mail: berlin@mofa.gov.bd

Hours of operation:

  • Monday - Friday: from 09:00 to 13:00 and from 14:00 to 17:00
  • Saturday and Sunday: Closed

Head of Mission: Mr. Mosharraf Hossain Bhuiyan, MD, Ambassador


Consulate of Bangladesh in Bremen, Germany

Address: Weserterminal 8, 28217 Bremen, Germany


  • (+49) 421 176 0313
  • (+49) 421 176 0248
  • (+49) 421 800 8780

Fax: (+49) 421 145 06

E-mail: rg@geuther.com

Opening hours: Monday - Friday: 09:00 - 12:00 Weekends: Saturday and Sunday - closed

Head of Mission: Dr. Ralph-Hillard Hayter, Honorary Consul


Consulate of Bangladesh in Frankfurt am Main, Germany

Address: Schnappbornweg 75, 60599 Frankfurt am Main, Germany


  • (+49) 69 661 243 24
  • (+49) 17 022 742 19

Fax: (+49) 69 661 243 26

E-mail: michael-zitzewitz@t-online.de

Opening hours: Monday - Friday: 09:00 - 16:00 Weekends: Saturday and Sunday - closed

Head of Mission: Mr. Michael von Zitzewitz, Honorary Consul


Consulate of Bangladesh in Grefrat, Germany

Address: Nordstrasse 47, 47929 Grefrath, Germany

Tel: (+49) 172 700 72 52

Fax: (+49) 215 840 58 46

E-mail: bangla.honoraryconsul@gmail.com

Opening hours: Monday - Friday: 09:00 - 12:00, by appointment. Weekends: Saturday and Sunday - closed

Head of Mission: Mr. Hasnat Mia, Honorary Consul


Consulate General of Bangladesh in Hamburg, Germany

Address: Na Kikeberg 18a, 22587 Hamburg, Germany


  • (+49) 17 241 127 45
  • (+49) 40 789 484 37

Fax: (+49) 40 789 04 01

E-mail: ws@navis-ag.com, walter.stork@gmx.net

Opening hours: Monday - Friday: 09:00 - 12:00 Weekends: Saturday and Sunday - closed

Head of Mission: Mr. Walter Storck, Honorary Consul General


Consulate General of Bangladesh in Munich, Germany

Address: Residenzstrasse 18, 80333 Munich, Germany

Tel: (+49) 89 215 585 112

E-mail: brauch.hcgbangla@gmail.com

Opening hours: Monday - Friday: 09:00 - 12:00 Weekends: Saturday and Sunday - closed

Head of Mission: Dr. Michael Brauch, Honorary Consul General


Consulate of Bangladesh in Potsdam, Germany

Address: Eisenhartstrasse 2, 14469 Potsdam, Germany

Tel: (+49) 331 278 70

Fax: (+49) 331 278 725

E-mail: bangladesch@knauthe.com

Opening hours: Monday - Friday: 09:00 - 12:00 Weekends: Saturday and Sunday - closed

Head of Mission: Dr. Karlheinz Knaute, Honorary Consul

Bangladesh missions in neighboring countries


Embassy of Bangladesh in Brussels, Belgium

Address: 29-31 Rue Jacques Jordanes, 1000 Brussels, Belgium

Phone numbers: (+32) 2 640 55 00 (+32) 2 640 56 06

Fax: (+32) 2 646 59 98

E-mail: mission.brussels@mofa.gov.bd

Working hours: Monday - Friday: 09:00 - 17:00, Saturday - Sunday: Closed

Head of Diplomatic Mission: Mr. Mahbub Hassan Saleh, Ambassador


Bangladesh Embassy in Copenhagen, Denmark

Address: Strandveien 336, 2930 Klampenborg, Denmark

Phone: (+45) 39 64 33 03

Fax: (+45) 3930 0044

E-mail: mission.copenhagen@mofa.gov.bd

Working hours: Monday - Friday: 09:00 - 17:00, Saturday - Sunday: Closed

Head of Diplomatic Mission: Mr. Allama Siddiqui, Ambassador


Embassy of Bangladesh in Paris, France

Address: 109 Avenue Henri Martin, 75016 Paris, France

Telephone numbers: (+33) 1 46 51 90 33, (+33) 1 45 05 04 48

Fax: (+33) 1 46 51 90 35

E-mail addresses: ambassador.paris@mofa.gov.bd, diplomatic@bangladoot-paris.org

Web site: http://bangladoot-paris.org/

Opening hours: Monday - Thursday: By appointment, Friday - Sunday: Closed

Head of Diplomatic Mission: Mr. Khondker M. Talha, Ambassador


Consulate of Bangladesh in Luxembourg, Luxembourg

Address: Rue Jean L'Aveugle 12, 1148 Luxembourg-Ville, Luxembourg

Phone: (+352) 27 779 988

Fax: (+352) 27 779 989

E-mail addresses: info@reisch.lu, consul@reisch.lu

Opening hours: Monday - Friday: By appointment, Saturday - Sunday: Closed

Head of Mission: Mr. Thierry Reisch, Honorary Consul


Embassy of Bangladesh in The Hague, Netherlands

Address: Stadhouderslaan 7, 2517HV The Hague, The Netherlands

Phone: (+31) 70 328 3722

Fax: (+31) 70 328 3524

E-mail: mission.hague@mofa.gov.bd

Working hours: Monday - Friday: 09:00 - 17:00, Saturday - Sunday: Closed

Head of Diplomatic Mission: Mr. Riaz Hamidullah, Ambassador


Embassy of Bangladesh in Warsaw, Poland

Address: 107 Wiertnicza St., 02-952 Warsaw, Poland

Phone: (+48) 22-55 00 610

Fax: (+48) 22-55 00 611

E-mail: mission.warsaw@mofa.gov.bd

Web site: https://bdembassypl.com/

Working hours: Monday - Friday: 09:00 - 17:00, Saturday - Sunday: Closed

Head of Diplomatic Mission: Mr. Anirban Neogi, Chargé d'affaires a.i.


Embassy of Bangladesh in Vienna, Austria

Address: Peter-Jordan-Straße 50, 1190 Vienna, Austria

Phone: (+43) 1 368 1111

Fax: (+43) 1 368 1111 20

E-mail: mission.vienna@mofa.gov.bd

Opening hours: Monday - Friday: 10:00 - 12:00, Saturday - Sunday: Closed

Head of Diplomatic Mission: Asad Alam Siam, Ambassador

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