Frequently asked questions about traveling to Bhutan

What languages are spoken in Bhutan?

Nineteen different languages are spoken in Bhutan, but the national language is Dzongkha. English is widely used and understood due to its use in the country's educational system.

What is the weather in Bhutan and when is the best time to visit?

Bhutan is a year-round destination with four seasons: summer (June to August), fall (September to November), winter (December to February) and spring (March to May). Due to the varied altitudes and the influence of the north Indian monsoon, the climate varies throughout the country. The best time to visit is spring from March to early June and fall from late September to late November.

What currency is used in Bhutan?

Bhutan's currency is called ngultrum. Its exchange rate is pegged to the Indian rupee at a ratio of 1:1.

Do tourists need a visa to travel to Bhutan?

All travelers, except Indian nationals, require a visa to enter Bhutan. Indian nationals require an electronic entry permit. Bangladeshi and Maldivian nationals can obtain a visa on arrival at the port of entry by paying the appropriate Sustainable Development Fee (SDF). Swiss and Thai nationals with diplomatic or official passports can obtain a visa on arrival at the port of entry.

How long does it take to get a visa to Bhutan?

The visa application process is usually quick, but may take a few working days. However, a visa application can only be submitted once the Sustainable Development Fee (SDF) and visa fee have been received.

How can I purchase travel insurance if I don't have it?

Travel insurance can be purchased on our website. Our specialists will choose the best option for you and prepare all documents in a short period of time.

What is the cost of the SDF and where does that money go?

For Indian nationals, the SDF is 1200 Ngultrums or equivalent amount in US dollars per night. All other visitors have to pay SDF of 100 USD per person per night. Children between the ages of 6 and 12 years are given a 50% discount on SDF and children below 6 years of age are exempted from paying SDF. Funds from the SDF go into the national budget and are used to improve infrastructure, services and facilities for Bhutanese citizens, and foreign visitors, as well as free health care and education.


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Is it possible to refund SDF when canceling or shortening a trip?

The Department of Immigration will refund SDF for canceled or shortened trips less bank charges. Application for SDF refunds must be made through the online immigration system. Refunds are processed after guests have departed the Kingdom.

What is the best way to get to Bhutan?

Bhutan can be flown to from Bangladesh (Dhaka), India (Delhi, Kolkata, Guwahati, Bagdogra), Nepal (Kathmandu), Singapore (Changi) and Thailand (Bangkok). Private aircraft can fly into Bhutan after obtaining the necessary permits from the authorities.

How long does it take to renew a visa or permit?

The procedure for extending your visa or permit is usually quick, but may take a few working days. We can help you extend your visa if you have made travel arrangements through us. However, you will need to pay the relevant SDF.

Do tourists need a tour guide?

It is highly recommended that all tourists in Bhutan hire a tour guide. This is to ensure that every tourist can enjoy their trip and see all that Bhutan has to offer. The guides also help to ensure the safety and comfort of the tourists by taking into account the local fauna, altitude and terrain. A guide is mandatory for all treks, trips outside of Thimphu and Paro, and cultural attractions. The guide is not mandatory for restaurants and stores, but is recommended for temples and other local attractions.

Can I use a credit card in Bhutan?

The use of credit cards in Bhutan has become more common in recent years. With the exception of some regions in the central and eastern parts of the country, most major hotels and large handicraft stores now accept international credit cards such as Visa and MasterCard. However, credit card transactions may incur an additional fee of up to 5% of the transaction amount.

Do we need to worry about mountain sickness in Bhutan?

Mountain sickness is extremely rare at altitudes below 2,500 meters (8,202 feet) and is virtually unheard of without significant physical exertion. Mild symptoms of mountain sickness can occur in people of any age and gender as altitude increases. Although the altitude in Bhutan is higher than most people are used to, cases of mountain sickness are almost unheard of here unless you are doing high-altitude trekking. Most valleys in Bhutan are below 8202 feet, and mountain passes are only slightly higher than 3000 meters (9842 feet). However, it is worth remembering that even young and fit athletes can suffer from altitude. Always follow the recommendations of your guides in Bhutan. Starting acclimatization in Paro and then moving to Thimphu will be a good start for your body. Remember that every person is unique and their body may react differently to high altitudes. Just try not to overexert yourself in the first few days and you will feel great!

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