Frequently asked questions about Nigeria

Important information before traveling to Nigeria: answers to common questions

Check out our Q&A section for the most frequently asked questions by travelers planning a visit to Nigeria.

Do I need a visa to enter Nigeria?

Most foreign nationals require a visa to enter Nigeria. However, nationals of some ECOWAS (Economic Community of West African States) countries can enter without a visa for up to 90 days. For detailed information on visa requirements to enter Nigeria, please go to our Nigeria Visa page.

Can I apply for an e-visa for Nigeria?

Yes, Nigeria offers an e-visa system for citizens of many countries.You can apply online through the official Nigeria immigration portal, or through our website The process involves filling out the form, uploading the required documents and paying the visa fee.

What documents do I need to apply for a visa to Nigeria?

To obtain a visa to Nigeria, you usually require:

  • A valid passport with at least 6 months validity
  • A completed online visa application form
  • A passport size color photograph
  • Confirmation of hotel reservation or invitation from the host country
  • Copy of airline tickets or travel itinerary
  • Employment certificate or bank statement proving financial solvency
  • Certificate of vaccination against yellow fever
Is an exit permit required if a child is traveling with one parent to Nigeria?

Yes, if a child is traveling to Nigeria with only one parent, it is recommended to have a notarized travel permit from the other parent. This will help avoid potential problems at the border.

What immunizations are required to travel to Nigeria?

Vaccination against yellow fever is mandatory. Vaccinations against hepatitis A and B, typhoid, tetanus, diphtheria and polio are also recommended. Consult your doctor about necessary vaccinations at least 4-6 weeks before your trip.

Can pets be imported into Nigeria?

Yes, importing pets into Nigeria is allowed, but requires compliance with certain regulations. An international veterinary passport, a rabies vaccination certificate and an import permit from the Nigerian Veterinary Service are required. Quarantine may be required upon arrival.

What is the maximum length of stay on a tourist visa in Nigeria?

A standard tourist visa to Nigeria is usually issued for up to 90 days. However, the actual length of stay is determined by the immigration officer upon entry into the country.

Can I extend my tourist visa while in Nigeria?

Yes, it is possible to extend your tourist visa, but the process can be complicated. It is necessary to contact your local Nigerian immigration office before your current visa expires. It is recommended that you start the process early.

What are the main attractions to visit in Nigeria?

Nigeria is rich in cultural and natural attractions. Here are some of them:

  • Gurara Waterfalls: located near Abuja, these waterfalls are a popular tourist attraction that is breathtaking in its natural beauty.
  • Lagos Beaches: Bar Beach and Takua Bay are two of the most famous beaches in Lagos where you can relax and enjoy the tropical sunshine.
  • National Museum in Lagos: this museum houses a rich collection of Nigerian art that gives you a deeper understanding of the country's cultural heritage.
  • Oba Palace in Benin City: famous for its bronze sculptures, this palace is a prime example of Nigerian history and culture.
  • Oshodi Market in Lagos: one of the largest markets in West Africa, where you can find unique goods and experience the local flavor.
Is it safe to travel in Nigeria?

The security situation in Nigeria can be volatile in some regions. It is advisable to follow current security advisories, avoid certain parts of the country and take standard precautions. Traveling as part of an organized group may be a safer option for a first visit.


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What currency is used in Nigeria and where can it be exchanged?

The official currency of Nigeria is the Nigerian naira (NGN). Currency exchange is best done at banks or official exchange offices. Credit cards are accepted in major cities, but cash is recommended for traveling to remote areas.

What is the state of public transportation in Nigeria?

There are bus and cab services in major Nigerian cities such as Lagos and Abuja. However, the quality and reliability of public transportation can vary. Motorcycle cabs (“okada”) and three-wheeled cabs (“keke”) are popular in some cities. For intercity travel, buses and domestic flights are available.

What kind of clothes should be avoided in Nigeria?

In Nigeria, it is important to respect local cultural and religious norms in dress. Avoid overly revealing or provocative clothing, especially in conservative neighborhoods. Women are advised to wear clothing that covers their shoulders and knees. Men should refrain from wearing shorts in formal places. When visiting mosques or churches, one should dress modestly. In general, modesty in dress will help avoid unwanted attention and show respect for local traditions.

What languages are spoken in Nigeria?

The official language of Nigeria is English, which is widely used in business and education. However, there are over 500 local languages spoken in the country, including Hausa, Yoruba and Igbo, which are the most common. Depending on the region, you may encounter different local dialects.

Can I pay with credit cards in Nigeria?

In Nigeria's major cities, such as Lagos and Abuja, credit cards are accepted in most hotels, restaurants and large stores. However, in less developed areas and local markets, cash payments are prevalent. It is recommended that you always carry some cash with you, especially when traveling outside the major cities.

What cuisines are worth trying in Nigeria?

Nigerian cuisine is known for its variety and savory flavors. A must-try:

  • Jollof rice - a spicy rice dish with tomatoes and spices
  • Egusi soup - thick soup made from ground pumpkin seeds with meat or fish.
  • Suya - spicy beef or lamb kebabs.
  • Akara - fried black bean balls.
  • Puf-puf - sweet fried dough balls.
  • Don't forget to try local fruits such as mango, papaya and guava.
What is the main religion in Nigeria?

Nigeria is dominated by two major religions: Islam and Christianity. Islam is more prevalent in the north of the country, while Christianity predominates in the south. Traditional African religions are also practiced in some regions. Religious diversity is an important part of Nigeria's cultural life.

How much cash can be brought into Nigeria?

When entering Nigeria, you are allowed to bring foreign currency without restrictions, but amounts over 10,000 USD (or equivalent) must be declared. Export of local currency (naira) is restricted, so it is recommended to exchange back only the required amount before departure.

What medicines should you take with you to Nigeria?

It is recommended that you take a basic set of medications with you, including:

  • Malaria remedies (be sure to consult your doctor)
  • Antidiarrheals
  • Analgesics and antipyretics
  • Antiseptics and wound care
  • Insect repellents

Any medications prescribed to you in sufficient quantities. Make sure you have prescriptions for all prescribed medicines.

What is the climate like in Nigeria?

Nigeria has a tropical climate with two main seasons: dry (November to March) and rainy (April to October). The climate is wetter in the south of the country and drier in the north. Temperatures remain high all year round, usually between 25°C and 40°C. The best time to visit is during the dry season, when the weather is more predictable and comfortable for traveling.

Как обстоят дела с интернетом и мобильной связью в Нигерии?

Мобильная связь и интернет доступны в большинстве городских районов Нигерии. Рекомендуется приобрести местную SIM-карту по прибытии для более доступных тарифов на звонки и мобильный интернет. Крупные отели и кафе в городах обычно предоставляют Wi-Fi. Однако в сельской местности качество связи может быть нестабильным.

Есть ли какие-либо культурные особенности, о которых следует знать при посещении Нигерии?

В Нигерии важно уважать местные обычаи и традиции:

  • Приветствия очень важны; всегда здоровайтесь и спрашивайте о самочувствии
  • Уважайте старших; это важная часть нигерийской культуры
  • Избегайте использования левой руки для еды или передачи предметов, так как это может считаться невежливым
  • Просите разрешения перед фотографированием людей или религиозных объектов
  • Будьте готовы к яркой и шумной атмосфере на рынках и в общественных местах
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