Notarization services for travel to Sri Lanka

When preparing to travel to Sri Lanka, it is important to consider the entry regulations, including the provision of notarized documents. We offer a full range of services to notarize and prepare the necessary documents for your trip.

  1. Notarization of documents

We help to notarize documents that are required for entry into Sri Lanka, be it birth certificates, marriage certificates, diplomas or other important documents. Notarization ensures their legal validity and authenticity, which is essential when applying for a visa or submitting papers to an embassy.

  1. Notarized translation

If your documents are in a language other than English, we will have them professionally translated and notarized. Such translation is necessary for official recognition of documents in Sri Lanka, as the country requires compliance with international standards.

  1. Legalization of documents

In order to use documents abroad, including in Sri Lanka, you may need to legalize them. We can help legalize and certify documents through embassies and government agencies to ensure that they can be used legally in another country.

  1. Legalization and delivery rules

The entire clearance process, including attestation and legalization of documents, follows international standards and Sri Lankan embassy requirements. We offer a fast and secure delivery service of certified documents directly to you or to the right authorities.

We guarantee accuracy and timely completion of all procedures so that you can confidently prepare documents for entry into Sri Lanka and other countries.

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