Azerbaijan Business Visa

Azerbaijan visa for business travellers

You are planning a business trip to Azerbaijan? As a business traveler, you will need a valid visa before your trip that matches your purpose of travel: an Azerbaijan Business Visa. The Azerbaijani Embassy in Berlin and the Honorary Consulate of the Republic of Azerbaijan in Stuttgart are the places where you can apply for your visa. The relevant authorities will issue the travel permit in your passport once your application is approved.


Business Visa for Azerbaijan


What conditions do foreign missions require for business visas?

As a prerequisite for the visa application, a written invitation from the host country is required, also known as a Visa Support Letter. The business invitation will be provided by the Azerbaijani company or organization inviting you to a business meeting or negotiations. The document must include the following information: purpose of travel, travel dates, personal data of the applicant, company stamp, and signature.

In addition to the invitation and usual application documents such as your passport, the embassy and consulate require a copy of the commercial register entry of the inviting company for the issuance of a business visa.

Furthermore, you need a work certificate or a letter of assignment from your employer with the following information:

  1. Employer's address and phone number
  2. Applicant's position in the company
  3. Salary
  4. Date of employment within the company

What validity does the Business Visa for Azerbaijan have?

The visa for business travelers, issued based on an invitation letter from a company in Azerbaijan, entitles you to a single entry. It is valid for at least three and maximum 90 days. The actual permitted length of stay depends on the information in your Visa Support Letter.

You will only receive a multiple-entry business visa or annual visa for Azerbaijan if you have an invitation from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Azerbaijan.

A business stay requires good and comprehensive preparation. While you do the groundwork for a successful business meeting, we will be happy to take care of the visa procurement for you and your colleagues. In addition, we offer you the opportunity to have flights or hotels booked by our employees.

We not only handle the bureaucratic visits to the Azerbaijani foreign representations, but also assist in compiling the documents and deliver your business visa for Azerbaijan right to your doorstep.

Documents for the Business Visa

Visa Application


Passport Photo


Commercial Register Extract

Employment Certificate

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