Registration in Azerbaijan

Requirements for travelers in Azerbaijan: Registration immediately after entry

Since October 2014, there has been an obligation to register for all foreign travelers planning to stay in Azerbaijan for more than 15 days. Registration must be done immediately upon arrival at the State Migration Service, but no later than the 15th day.

The inviting or hosting person is responsible for the registration, providing accommodation for the foreign visitor. If you are traveling to Azerbaijan and staying in a hotel, the registration is usually done at check-in. Please inquire at your accommodation if they will automatically register you properly.

Registration via

We will be happy to take care of your registration for Azerbaijan. Simply add our additional service (for 25 euros) to your visa. Once the application is approved, you will receive the registration notification from us. You can easily add the registration to your visa for Azerbaijan at check-out.

Regulation for Visa Expiry and Departure

If you exceed the visa validity, you may face high penalties. If you exceed the validity of your visa due to unforeseen circumstances, you should contact the Migration Service at least 3 days before the expiration of the travel permit. Extension of the residence permit for Azerbaijan is only possible on-site in the following situations:

  • Emergencies or urgent medical treatment (patients and accompanying persons, even in transit)
  • Necessity to complete an unfinished work: It is necessary for the inviting organization to submit a corresponding application.

A minimum of one month validity on the passport is required for an extension.

Please note that a visa is required for leaving Azerbaijan. In case of losing your passport or the visa expires, you are obligated to apply for an exit visa at the Migration Service. The process takes up to four days.

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