Diplomatic missions of the Republic of Ecuador in Germany
Embassy of Ecuador in Berlin
Contact information and location: Joachimsthalerstrasse 12, 10719, Berlin, Germany
Phone: +49 30 80 09 695
Fax: +40 30 80 09 69 699
E-Mail: eecualemania@cancilleria.gob.ec
Website: www.cancilleria.gob.ec
Opening hours: Monday - Friday: 09:00 - 17:00

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Consulate General of Ecuador in Hamburg
Contact details and location: Schopenstahl 20, 20095, Hamburg, Germany
Phone: +49 40 44 31 35
Fax: +49 40 44 31 35
E-Mail: cecuhamburgo@cancilleria.gob.ec
Opening hours: Monday - Friday: 09:00 - 14:00
Embassy of Ecuador in Germany: Diplomatic, Consular and Cooperation tasks and functions
The Ecuadorian Embassy in Germany performs important diplomatic, consular and cooperative functions to strengthen ties between the two countries. Here are the main tasks and activities of the Ecuadorian Embassy in Germany.
Diplomatic Activities:
- Represents Ecuador's interests in Germany and defends Ecuador's sovereignty, territorial integrity and national interests.
- Develops bilateral relations and cooperation between Ecuador and Germany in political, economic, cultural and other spheres.
- Negotiates, signs agreements and participates in international conferences on behalf of Ecuador.
- Informs the Ecuadorian government about the political, economic and social situation in Germany.
Consular functions:
- Issues and issues passports, visas, birth certificates, marriage certificates and other documents to Ecuadorian citizens residing or temporarily staying in Germany.
- Assists and protects the rights and interests of Ecuadorian citizens in Germany.
- Issues legalized documents, notarizes signatures and seals.
- Registers civil status acts (births, marriages, deaths) of Ecuadorian citizens.
Cooperation and Development:
- Promotes economic, investment, trade and cultural ties between Ecuador and Germany.
- Encourages the exchange of students, scientists, and cultural figures between the two countries.
- Organizes events and activities to promote Ecuadorian culture, traditions and national identity in Germany.
- Attracts investment and technology from Germany to Ecuador to develop priority sectors of the economy.
The Ecuadorian Embassy and Consulate are your main contacts for all matters concerning consular and visa services to Ecuador.
Order visa and documentation support for your trip to Ecuador through our service and we will take responsibility for liaising with the relevant authorized representations.

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