India visa application
For anyone wishing to apply for a visa to India, we provide the necessary reference materials and application forms. It is essential that you submit the full set of required documents so that your application can be processed as quickly as possible. If you have any questions, we are always happy to help and advise you.
Peculiarities of visa processing to India.
Issuance of a visa to India is a mandatory requirement for citizens of most countries. To obtain a visa it is necessary to fill in a special application form, where it is important to accurately indicate all the data in accordance with the passport and other documents. Mistakes or omissions in the application form can lead to denial of visa or significant delays in obtaining it.
To avoid such problems, we offer professional assistance in filling out the visa application form. Our specialists guarantee fast and accurate completion of all fields, which will save you from unnecessary hassle and minimize the risk of refusal. You can be sure that your application will be submitted correctly and in a timely manner.
Application forms
Filling in the application form for e-visa to India
To help you avoid the most common mistakes and answer frequently asked questions, we have prepared detailed instructions on how to fill in the application form correctly. It is recommended to fill in the visa application form on a computer for accuracy and readability of the information.
In the first part of the application form, you must correctly indicate your name, surname, place of arrival, and the cities you plan to visit. If you intend to visit India again on an already issued visa, be sure to indicate this, as well as the date of your intended second entry.
Next, you need to enter the details of the booked hotel: name, address and phone number. If your itinerary includes several hotels in different cities, select one of them to indicate in the form.
Carefully enter information about your parents. If your parent's information is unknown, put a “-” instead.
The “Employer/university information” box should be filled in if you are studying or working. If you are temporarily unemployed, you can skip this section.
Be sure to include a contact person in Germany - you will need this information in case of an emergency.
At the end of the form, select the type of visa: tourist, medical or business. Read the requirements for each visa category carefully to select the appropriate one for your visit.
Don't forget to date and sign the form, thus certifying its correctness.
If you do not have time to fill in the application form yourself or you want to minimize the risk of mistakes, we suggest using our professional services.

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