Tourist visa India

Tourist visa to India - for what?

For a vacation in India, you will need a tourist visa. This visa allows you to get acquainted with the country and its people both as part of a tour group and as an individual traveler. It also allows you to visit friends and relatives in India.

A tourist visa is intended for entering India for the purpose of vacation, sightseeing or visiting loved ones. Nowadays, the visa process has become much easier for citizens of many countries due to the introduction of the electronic tourist visa (e-Visa), which can be applied for online.

To find out if an e-Visa is available to you and to see the list of countries whose citizens are eligible for it, please visit the e-Visa to India section of our website. There you will find up-to-date information on requirements, application process and processing times.


Tourist visa for India online

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Two application channels

The Indian authorities differentiate between two application options for a tourist travel permit. On the one hand, there are regular visas, which tourists receive in their passport from a competent visa office in Germany before their departure. On the other hand, India offers Germans and citizens of some other countries the option of collecting a visa on arrival at the airport. However, for both options, an online application form must be completed before departure. The two application forms differ primarily in terms of the approved duration of stay:

Regular visa for tourists

The classic visas for tourist travel to India are valid for a period of 12 months from the date of issue. You can stay in India for a maximum of 6 months at a time. The visa can only be extended locally in exceptional cases, e.g. in the event of serious illness. A single or optional multiple entry and exit is permitted (multiple entry). Since the end of 2012, the previous ban of two months for returning after leaving the country no longer applies to German nationals, but only to stateless persons and citizens of the following countries: Afghanistan, China, Iraq, Pakistan and Sudan. The regular tourist visa for India is issued by the Indian diplomatic missions in your home country

Electronic travel authorization for tourists

The electronic travel authorization, also known as the Tourist Visa on Arrival or ETA, requires an online visa application before departure. The ETA is only available for short tourist stays of up to 90 days and two entries. In addition, this service of the Indian authorities is reserved for air travelers. The advantage lies in the faster procurement. In addition, you need fewer application documents than with the regular visa. For more information, please navigate to the visa type ETA Tourist.

Your order at

With us, you have the option of choosing a regular tourist visa India with a validity of 6 months in the order mask. Under certain conditions, you can obtain a residence permit for up to 1 year with an additional form. Both variants give you the option of multiple entries and exits. While you prepare for your vacation, we take care of the administrative formalities and deliver the India tourist visa to your doorstep.

Documents for the regular tourist visa India

Visa application
Passport photo
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