Cost of visa to India

India is a country of incredible cultural diversity, ancient traditions and truly mesmerizing beauty. For many travelers, it is a cherished dream. But in order to make the dream a reality, the first thing to do is to take care of getting a visa. Fortunately, for most tourists this process is maximally simplified thanks to the possibility to apply for a visa to India online. This is very convenient and saves a lot of time.

However, the cost of an Indian visa can vary depending on your country of residence and the planned length of stay in the country. On our website you will find detailed information about all types of visas, entry requirements, validity periods and prices. We recommend using our online calculator to accurately calculate your travel budget so that you don't miss out on additional costs.

India is a truly magical country with a rich historical and cultural heritage, ancient monuments, exotic nature and bright colors. It is waiting to conquer you with its splendor. A vacation in India is a true delight for body and soul. Enjoy every moment and discover the multifaceted beauty of this amazing land!

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