Ausweitung der Visafreiheit Chinas für europäische Länder: mehr Möglichkeiten für Reisende und stärkere Zusammenarbeit

Expanding China's visa-free regime for European countries: more opportunities for travelers and stronger cooperation.

China has been steadily moving towards visa liberalization, extending visa-free travel to a growing number of European countries. The move reflects Beijing's long-term strategy to liberalize visa policies and deepen international ties. On March 7, 2024, Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi announced at a press conference in Beijing that from March 14, citizens of Switzerland, Ireland, Hungary, Austria, Belgium and Luxembourg will be able to stay in China without a visa for up to 15 days.

The visa-free regime applies to travel for tourist, business, family and transit purposes for holders of ordinary passports. This initiative extends similar rules introduced from December 1, 2023 for citizens of France, Germany, Spain, Italy and Malaysia. Thus, visa-free entry to China for a period of two weeks will be valid for citizens of a total of 11 European countries until November 30, 2024.

The Chinese authorities aim to create the most favorable conditions for foreign visitors, increase the country's attractiveness as a tourist destination and strengthen China's position as a reliable trading partner on the world stage. Wang Yi expressed hope for reciprocal steps by other states to simplify visa regimes for Chinese citizens. He said the PRC will continue to expand the "circle of visa-free friends" and conclude agreements on multiple-entry and multi-year visas with an increasing number of countries.

Visa facilitation is just one element of China's large-scale strategy to develop international tourism and business contacts. In parallel, Beijing is working to accelerate cross-border travel and reopen air links with other countries. These measures are designed to make it easier for Chinese to travel abroad and more comfortable for foreign visitors to stay in China.

The liberalization of visa rules is aimed at stimulating the growth of tourist flows from Europe and expanding business activities with these countries. It is expected that the simplified entry procedure will attract more European travelers and businessmen to China, which will spur economic development and strengthen China's cultural ties with its partners. Experts emphasize the particular importance of visa liberalization in the context of the recovery of the tourism industry after the pandemic. For small and medium-sized businesses, simplified visa-free entry may be a good opportunity to enter the promising Chinese market. In general, further liberalization of visa policy reflects Beijing's unwavering commitment to openness and the development of mutually beneficial cooperation with countries around the world.