Embassy of Bahrain and German Embassy in Bahrain

Contact Addresses for Bahrain Travelers

As the diplomatic mission of the island state of Bahrain in Germany, the Bahraini Embassy in Berlin is your contact for questions regarding entry and visa regulations. The German Embassy in Manama is a point of contact for travelers on site, e.g. in case of a lost passport. Below you will find the contact addresses.

Embassy of the Kingdom of Bahrain in Germany

Klingelhöferstr. 7
10785 Berlin

Tel.: +49 (0)30 86 87 7777

Consular Section

Tel.: +49 (0)30 86 87 7799
E-Mail: konsulat@bahrain-embassy.de

German Embassy in Bahrain

Postfach / P.O. Box 10306
Building No. 39, Road 322
Salmaniya Avenue
Block 327
Manama / Kingdom of Bahrain

Tel.: (+973) 17 745 277

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