Humanitarian Visa for Russia

Humanitarian Visa Russia - for what?

The Russian Federation issues a humanitarian visa to individuals who visit Russia with one of the following intentions or for similar reasons:

  • Engaging in scientific, cultural, or artistic activities
  • Cultural exchange
  • Participation in sports events
  • Participation in political events
  • Traveling for religious purposes (including pilgrimages)
  • Participation in charity organizations in Russia
  • Providing humanitarian aid

The travel permit for humanitarian affairs is also known as a cultural visa and culture visa for Russia.


Humanitarian visa for Russia

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To apply for a humanitarian visa for one of the above-mentioned travel purposes, you need an invitation, also known as a Visa Support Letter or Voucher. If you plan to take up employment with a state-recognized organization or a Russian company, please contact your local contact person to request an invitation letter. If your host is not state-registered, they have the option to apply for a Visa Support Letter from the Federal Migration Service of the Russian Federation (FMS). Alternatively, the endorsement of visa issuance by the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MID) is valid. 

The invitation letter (written request) from a Russian company, organization, or legal entity should include the following information:

for the invited visitor (applicant)

First name, last name, gender, date of birth, nationality, passport number, duration of stay, purpose of travel, frequency of entries, information on the travel route.

for the hosting company, organization, or legal entity

Address, tax number, registration and registration number, name and function of the signing person (e.g. CEO), company seal

The visa application for a humanitarian visa must always be submitted before the start of the journey. It is not possible to enter first with a tourist visa and have it converted on-site. The consular departments will affix a visa entry in the applicant's passport in their home country.

How long you can stay in Russia

up to 90 days

single or double entry possible

up to 1 year with multiple entries

You can only get this visa if you had a visa (except transit visa) in the previous year and used it within the last 12 months.

up to 5 years with multiple entries

You must have received and used two annual multi-entry visas in the two preceding years.

Holders of a multiple-entry humanitarian visa with a validity of one year or several years are allowed to stay for a maximum of 90 days within a period of 180 days.

Humanitarian Visa Russia with Existing Invitation

Visa Application


Passport Photo


Foreign Health Insurance

Intention to Return

A detailed checklist of the documents to be submitted will be sent to you by email after completing the order. Please follow the checklist sent to you.

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