Apply for a private visa for Russia online now

Visitor visa to Russia - for what purpose?

You intend to visit your family in Russia? For your entry into the Russian Federation, you need a private visa, also called a visitor visa. The visa application for a travel permit for visiting purposes must be submitted to a consular mission abroad before the trip. You will receive the visa in your passport once the application is approved.

What are the requirements for applicants?

In addition to the usual documents such as passport, passport photo, application form, etc., the Russian Embassy requires a Invitation from the Federal Migration Service (FMS) to be submitted. Your Russian host is responsible for applying for the invitation letter - also known as an Invitation Letter or Visa Support Letter - for your entry. It is a requirement that the inviting person is a first-degree relative. This includes spouses, children, parents, and grandparents.

As obtaining the Visa Support Letter is often a time-consuming process involving multiple visits to authorities in Russia, we offer you the option to order your visa including an invitation from us. Select the visa type "Private visa including invitation from König Tours" in the order form.


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How long is the visa valid?

A private visa is valid for a maximum of 90 days and is available for single or double entry and exit. The actual length of stay is determined by the Russian consulate or the consular department of the Russian embassy for each individual case based on the information in the invitation.

You will receive a visa including an invitation from us for stays of up to 30 or up to 90 days. You have the option to enter Russia once or twice.

When visiting your family members, friends, and acquaintances and staying in one place in Russia for more than 7 working days, please remember to register at a local office of the Federal Migration Service (formerly OVIR) or a post office. Registration is mandatory in Russia. The responsibility for your registration lies with the person with whom you are staying during your visit. Learn more about registration in the Russian Federation.

What are the costs of visitor visas?

An overview of the visa costs can be found in our price table for Russia. For persons with disabilities (60% disability and above), a reduced fee applies in the case of a private visa. The prerequisite is that a valid invitation letter from Russia is available for the applicant.

Joint Travel - Show Your Relatives Your Home Country

You are a Russian citizen, but your spouse comes from another country? Or you have minor children who were not born in Russia and do not have a Russian passport? Your first-degree relatives have the opportunity to obtain a private visa for Russia. The prerequisite is that you travel to Russia together with your family members.

If you want your child (up to 18 years old) or spouse to accompany you to Russia, you need the application for the private visa for companions of Russian citizens. In addition, a copy of your Russian passport and proof of relationship in the form of a birth or marriage certificate are required. Fill out the application form and send the additional documents together with the documents of the applicant (your companion) to us.

Here you will find the required documents for the private visa

Visa application
Passport photo
Intention to return
Travel health insurance
Registration confirmation
Severely disabled ID card
Naturalization decree

Documents for accompanying persons of Russian citizens

Proof of Relationship
Russian Passport
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